Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 14 Απριλίου 2018

Triple flap technique for vulvar reconstruction

Publication date: Available online 9 April 2018
Source:Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique
Author(s): R. Mercut, R. Sinna, R. Vaucher, P.A. Giroux, N. Assaf, A. Lari, S. Dast
ObjectivePerineal defects are encountered ever more frequently, in the treatment of vulvar cancers or abdominoperineal resection. The surgical treatment of vulvar cancer leads to significant skin defect. The aim of the reconstruction is not to provide volume but rather to resurface perineum. We propose a new solution to cover the extensive skin defect remaining after excision.MethodsWe report 3 patients who underwent large excision for vulvar cancer, with lymph node dissection. For reconstruction, we performed 3 advancement flaps. Two V-Y flaps cantered on the infra-gluteal folds and based on pudendal perforator arteries were used to cover the postero-lateral parts of the defect. The third advancement flap from the superior aspect of the defect was a Y-V Mons pubis flap.ResultsThe defects were successfully covered by the 3 flap technique. The first patient suffered a non-union that slowly healed by secondary intention. For the other cases, we used the same technique, but applied negative pressure wound therapy on the sutures, with excellent results.ConclusionThe 3 flap technique is a simple and reliable method and the donor site morbidity is minimal. It can be realised without changing the position of the patient after tumour excision, and does not require delicate perforator dissection. This surgical option can be easily applied, allowing better management of these cases.

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