The Journal of Dermatology, EarlyView.
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00306932607174,00302841026182,
Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου
Κυριακή 6 Μαΐου 2018
General dependencies and causality analysis of road traffic fatalities in OECD countries
The road traffic accidents were responsible for material and human loss which was equal to 2.8 to 5% of gross national product (GNP). However, literature does not explore the elasticity coefficients and nexus of road traffic fatalities with foreign direct investment, health expenditures, trade openness, mobile subscriptions, the number of researchers in R&D department, and environmental particulate matter. This study filled this research gap by exploring the nexus between road traffic fatalities, foreign direct investment, health expenditures, trade openness, mobile subscriptions, the number of researchers, and environmental particulate matter in Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries by using panel data from 1995 to 2015. The panel Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) bound test was used for the detection of cointegration between the variables after checking the stationarity in selected variables with different panel unit root tests. Panel vector error correction model explored the causality of road traffic fatalities, foreign direct investment, PM2.5 in the environment, and trade openness in the long run. Road traffic fatalities showed short run bi-directional causality with foreign direct investment and health expenditures. The short run bi-directional causality was also observed between trade and foreign direct investment and cellular mobile subscriptions and foreign direct investment. The panel fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS) and panel dynamic ordinary least square (DOLS) showed the 0.947% reduction in road fatalities for 1% increase in the health expenditures in OECD countries. The significant reduction in road fatalities was also observed due to 1% increase in trade openness and researchers in R&D, which implies the importance of trade and research for road safety. It is required to invest in the health sector for the safety of precious human lives like the hospitals with latest medical equipment and improvement in the emergency services in the country. The research and development activities should be enhanced especially for the health and transportation sectors. The trade of environment-friendly technology should be promoted for the protection of environment.
Chronic co-exposure to chlorpyrifos and deltamethrin pesticides induces alterations in serum lipids and oxidative stress in Wistar rats: mitigating role of alpha-lipoic acid
The study evaluated the effect of combination of chlorpyrifos (CPF) and deltamethrin (DLT) on serum lipid profiles and oxidative stress in rats, and the mitigating role of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA). Thirty male rats were used for the 120-day study. Serum samples obtained at termination were evaluated for the levels of triglyceride (TG), total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), malondialdehyde (MDA), and the activities of antioxidant enzymes. The levels of low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL), very low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (VLDL), and atherogenic index (AI) were calculated. The pesticide combination elevated the levels of TG, TC, LDL, VLDL, AI, and MDA, and decreased HDL level, and activities of CAT, SOD, and GPx. The alterations induced by CPF and DLT were alleviated by ALA, partly through its antioxidant properties. In conclusion, co-exposure to DLT and CPF altered serum lipids and increased oxidative stress changes in the rats, which were ameliorated by ALA.
Identification of toxic substances in phenol-acetone wastewater on activated sludge and selective toxicity removal performance with ferrous pretreatment
We investigated the effects of toxic wastewater generated during the production of phenol-acetone on activated sludge and tested pretreatment methods to selectively remove the toxicity. We found that the microbial activity in the activated sludge was inhibited by the wastewater, in which cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) with a medium effective concentration (EC50) of 225 mg L−1 was the main toxic substance. We tested one pretreatment method with ferrous iron to selectively remove the CHP. The CHP decomposition process, which mainly produced acetophenone, was very quick. The CHP was selectively transformed into low-toxicity organics, and a maximum of 92% was removed when 1.08 mmol L−1 of ferrous iron was added, for a reaction time of 10 min, a pH of 5, and a temperature of 25 °C, and the resulting wastewater only slightly inhibited the oxygen uptake rate of activated sludge. The acclimation of activated sludge was accelerated, and a COD removal rate of more than 85% was achieved within a week. Our results confirm that ferrous iron provides a cost-effective method to selectively remove toxins from wastewater.
Retention and release of hexavalent and trivalent chromium by chitosan, olive stone activated carbon, and their blend
Shrimp shells and waste of olive stones were used as feedstock for the preparation of chitosan and activated carbon. The adsorption of CrVI and CrIII species in aqueous solution by the materials prepared and their blend were studied by using the well-known kinetic and isotherm models, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and scanning electron microscope. It was demonstrated that the rates of adsorption were controlled by diffusion inside particles and throughout the liquid film, and adsorption occurred spontaneously (− 26 < ∆G° < − 15 kJ/mol) in the range of 298–333 K, except for that involving CrIII species and activated carbon. The maximum amounts of Cr species retained by the composite (146 mg of CrVI/g and 33 mg of CrIII/g at 298 K) were three times greater than those of the basic constituents. Adsorption was markedly affected by temperature and pH, and CrVI species were substantially desorbed in acid mediums, particularly in acetic acid solution. The recovery of CrIII species varied according to the adsorbent and the solution used. The immobilization of CrVI species (HCrO4− and CrO42−) and CrIII species (Cr(OH)2+ and Cr3(OH)45+) by chitosan was accomplished by means of amine moieties and hydroxyls of D-glucosamine units of the biopolymer. The adsorption of CrVI species on activated carbon involved π electrons of aromatic rings as well as oxygenated sites (C–OH, C=O, C–O–C). In such a condition, CrVI was partially reduced into CrIII. For the composite, the amino functional groups of chitosan and hydroxyls of both constituents were implicated in the linkage of the biopolymer and activated carbon, and the C–O–H and C–O–C functional groups of chitosan were involved in the retention of CrVI species. For CrIII species, adsorption occurred preferentially on hydroxyls of the components, and consequently, the chains of the biopolymer recovered some flexibility.
A comparison between the four Geldart groups on the performance of a gas-phase annular fluidized bed photoreactor for volatile organic compound oxidation
Heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) is a widely studied alternative for the elimination of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in air. In this context, research on novel photoreactor arrangements to enhance PCO rates is desired. Annular fluidized bed photoreactors (AFBPR) have yielded prominent results when compared to conventional thin film reactors. However, very few works aimed at optimizing AFBPR operation. In this study, TiO2 photocalytic agglomerates were synthesized and segregated in specific size distributions to behave as Geldart groups A, B, C, and D fluidization. The TiO2 agglomerates were characterized by XRD, FTIR spectra, and N2 adsorption. Photocatalyst performances were compared in a 10-mm gapped AFBPR for degrading the model pollutant methyl-ethyl-ketone (MEK), using a 254-nm radiation source. Geldart group C showed to be inadequate for AFBPR operation due to the short operation range between fluidization and elutriation. In all the cases, photocatalytic reaction rates were superior to sole UV photolysis. Group A and group B demonstrated the highest reaction rates. Considerations based on mass transfer suggested that the reasons were enhanced UV distribution within the bed at lower flow rates and superior catalyst surface area at higher flow rates. Results also revealed that groups A, B, and D perform equally per catalyst area within an AFBPR if the fluidization numbers (FN) are high enough.
Notalgia paresthetica: cryolipolysis as a novel potential treatment
International Journal of Dermatology, EarlyView.
Trace elements concentration and distributions in coal and coal mining wastes and their environmental and health impacts in Shaanxi, China
This study probe the probable impacts of coal mining pollution and its impacts on human's health and environment. A total of 144 samples including coal and coal wastes, soil, plants, foods, and water were collected from the Hancheng county and countryside of Shaanxi, China. All the samples were analyzed for trace elements using ICP-MS, OES, and AFS. Results showed that the concentration of Se, As, Cr, Cu, Pb, Cd, Co, Ni, Mo, U, Th (mgKg−1), Fe, Mn, Al, Ti (%) etc., in coal and coal wastes were 7.5, 12.1, 275, 55, 54.2, 0.8, 14.8, 94.5, 8.9, 4.9, 17.2, 3.5, 0.02, 19, 0.7, respectively. While in soil 0.6, 12, 194, 27.5, 7.4, 0.6, 11.3, 83.4, 0.7, 1.7, 9.9, 3.1, 0.04, 10.5, and 0.4 for the above elements, respectively. In Hancheng foods, the average concentration of Se-0.09, As-0.15, Cr-1.8, Cu-3.2, Pb-0.4, Cd-0.02, Co-0.09, Ni-0.4, Mo-0.64, U-0.01, Th-0.03, Fe-129, Mn-15.6, Al-234, and Ti-5.2 in mgKg−1, respectively, which are comparably higher than the countryside. The elemental concentration in groundwater of both areas was below the WHO-2004 standard. In Hancheng, the average daily intake (mgKg−1bw/d) of Se 0.004–0.0038, As 0.004–0.13, Cr 0.055–0.06, Cd 0.001–0.004, Ni 0.018–13.91, Pb 0.05–0.001 adult-children, respectively. The toxic trace elements such as Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, Ti, Cd, Co, Th, Fe, Al, and Mo caused non-carcinogenic risk with high morbidity in children than adults. By assessing environmental risks, coal and coal wastes caused high risk, food and plants faced moderate to high risk, while mountain and agriculture soil are prone to low to considerable risk. The pollution in Hancheng County is extreme as compared to the countryside. The study concluded that the contamination is geogenic in both the areas but coal mining enhance the metals contamination and has extensive impacts on the living community and environment of Hancheng areas.
Protective effects of Curcuma longa against neurobehavioral and neurochemical damage caused by cerium chloride in mice
Cerium chloride (CeCl3) is considered an environmental pollutant and a potent neurotoxic agent. Medicinal plants have many bioactive compounds that provide protection against damage caused by such pollutants. Curcuma longa is a bioactive compound-rich plant with very important antioxidant properties. To study the preventive and healing effects of Curcuma longa on cerium-damaged mouse brains, we intraperitoneally injected cerium chloride (CeCl3, 20 mg/kg BW) along with Curcuma longa extract, administrated by gavage (100 mg/kg BW), into mice for 60 days. We then examined mouse behavior, brain tissue damage, and brain oxidative stress parameters. Our results revealed a significant modification in the behavior of the CeCl3-treated mice. In addition, CeCl3 induced a significant increment in lipid peroxidation, carbonyl protein (PCO), and advanced oxidation protein product levels, as well as a significant reduction in superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity remarkably increased in the brain of CeCl3-treated mice. Histopathological observations confirmed these results. Curcuma longa attenuated CeCl3-induced oxidative stress and increased the activities of antioxidant enzymes. It also decreased AChE activity in the CeCl3-damaged mouse brain that was confirmed by histopathology. In conclusion, this study suggests that Curcuma longa has a neuroprotective effect against CeCl3-induced damage in the brain.
Development and implementation of eco-genomic tools for aquatic ecosystem biomonitoring: the SYNAQUA French-Swiss program
The effectiveness of environmental protection measures is based on the early identification and diagnosis of anthropogenic pressures. Similarly, restoration actions require precise monitoring of changes in the ecological quality of ecosystems, in order to highlight their effectiveness. Monitoring the ecological quality relies on bioindicators, which are organisms revealing the pressures exerted on the environment through the composition of their communities. Their implementation, based on the morphological identification of species, is expensive because it requires time and experts in taxonomy. Recent genomic tools should provide access to reliable and high-throughput environmental monitoring by directly inferring the composition of bioindicators' communities from their DNA (metabarcoding). The French-Swiss program SYNAQUA (INTERREG France-Switzerland 2017–2019) proposes to use and validate the tools of environmental genomic for biomonitoring and aims ultimately at their implementation in the regulatory bio-surveillance. SYNAQUA will test the metabarcoding approach focusing on two bioindicators, diatoms, and aquatic oligochaetes, which are used in freshwater biomonitoring in France and Switzerland. To go towards the renewal of current biomonitoring practices, SYNAQUA will (1) bring together different actors: scientists, environmental managers, consulting firms, and biotechnological companies, (2) apply this approach on a large scale to demonstrate its relevance, (3) propose robust and reliable tools, and (4) raise public awareness and train the various actors likely to use these new tools. Biomonitoring approaches based on such environmental genomic tools should address the European need for reliable, higher-throughput monitoring to improve the protection of aquatic environments under multiple pressures, guide their restoration, and follow their evolution.
Bird diversity and dissimilarity show contrasting patterns along heavy metal pollution gradients in the Urals, Russia
The effects of industrial pollution on bird diversity have been widely studied using traditional diversity measures, which assume all species to be equivalent. We compared species richness and Shannon index with distance-based measures of taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity (the abundance-weighted mean nearest taxon distances), which describe within-community dissimilarity at terminal branches. Analysis of dissimilarity can shed light on the processes underlying community assembly, i.e., environmental filtering decreases dissimilarity whereas competitive exclusion increases it. In the 2-year study near Karabash and Revda copper smelters in Russia, point counts of nesting birds and habitat descriptions were taken at 10 sites (40 plots) along each pollution gradient. The abundance and diversity of birds showed good repeatability in both regions. The total density of birds, number of species per plot, and Shannon diversity decreased at high toxic load in both regions. The taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic nearest taxon distances showed the same pattern within regions. Species dissimilarity within communities increased with pollution in Karabash (due to loss of functionally similar species), but did not change in Revda (due to mass replacement of forest species by species of open habitats). Pollution-induced changes in bird communities near Karabash were greater due to the stronger deterioration of the forest ecosystems and less favorable natural conditions (more arid climate, lower diversity and vitality of the tree stand and understorey) compared to Revda. This study emphasizes the need for a multi-level approach to the analysis of bird communities using traditional indices of diversity, functional, taxonomic, or phylogenetic distances between species and environmental variables.
Tracking nitrate sources in the Chaohu Lake, China, using the nitrogen and oxygen isotopic approach
The Chaohu Lake is highly polluted and suffers from severe eutrophication. Nitrate is a key form of nitrogen that can cause water quality degradation. In this study, hydrochemical and dual isotopic approaches were utilized to identify the seasonal variation of nitrate sources in the Chaohu Lake and its inflowing rivers. The average nitrate concentrations ([NO3−]) of the lake and its inflowing rivers were 89.9 and 140.8 μmol L−1, respectively. The isotopic values of δ15N–NO3− and δ18O–NO3− in the lake ranged from − 1.01 to + 16.67‰ and from − 4.39 to + 22.20‰, respectively. The two major rivers had distinct isotopic compositions, with average δ15N–NO3− values of + 17.52 and + 3.51‰, and average δ18O–NO3− values of + 2.71 and + 7.47‰ for the Nanfei River and Hangbu River, respectively. The results show that soil organic ammonium and urban wastewater discharge were the main sources of nitrate in the Chaohu Lake, and nitrate assimilation was an important process affected [NO3−] and isotopic compositions, especially in the western Chaohu Lake. The elevated [NO3−] and δ15N–NO3− values in the western Chaohu Lake indicate the high influence of human activities. Urban wastewater discharge was the primary nitrate source in the Nanfei River and soil organic ammonium was the main source in the Hangbu River. Although nitrate from direct atmospheric deposition was low, its strong flushing effect can substantially improve riverine [NO3−] and nitrate loading from terrestrial ecosystem. The relatively high nitrate fluxes from the Hangbu River indicate that nitrogen loading from agricultural watershed is unneglectable in watershed nitrogen sources reduction strategies.
Simultaneous accelerated solvent extraction and purification for the determination of 13 organophosphate esters in soils by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Through the optimization of extraction, purification, and determination parameters, a reliable and convenient analytical method for the simultaneous determination of 13 organophosphate esters in soils was developed. The method is based on one-step extraction and purification by accelerated solvent extraction and analysis by gas chromatography-ion trap tandem mass spectrometry. Under the optimal conditions, the method detection limits and method quantitation limits ranged from 0.10 to 0.22 ng/g and from 0.33 to 0.72 ng/g, respectively. The recoveries obtained were in the range of 81.7–107%, and the relative standard deviations were less than 12%. As compared to other methods, this proposed method was simple and time and solvent saving. The developed method was successfully applied to analyze organophosphate esters in soil samples collected from Liaohe estuarine wetland, China. Thirteen organophosphate esters were detected in all of the soil samples which indicated that Liaohe estuarine wetland has polluted by organophosphate esters.
Minimally invasive approach to suppurated cervical lymphadenitis in children: Our experience on 60 patients
Clinical Otolaryngology, EarlyView.
Transcanal Approach for Type 2 Tympanoplasty with Incus Interposition Ossiculoplasty: Our Experience on 134 Patients
Clinical Otolaryngology, EarlyView.
Paraneoplastic arthritis in a patient with Sézary syndrome
International Journal of Dermatology, EarlyView.
Declining prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis caused by tosylamide formaldehyde resin in nail polish
Contact Dermatitis, EarlyView.
Contact allergy caused by methylisothiazolinone in a mouthwash as the likely trigger of oral pemphigus vulgaris
Contact Dermatitis, EarlyView.
The effect of treatment with anti‐interleukin‐17 in patients with allergic contact dermatitis
Contact Dermatitis, Volume 78, Issue 6, Page 431-432, June 2018.
Tacrolimus‐induced symmetric drug‐related intertriginous and flexural exanthema (SDRIFE)
Contact Dermatitis, Volume 78, Issue 6, Page 414-416, June 2018.
Standard practices and awareness concerning p‐phenylenediamine among salons that provide eyelash dyeing services
Contact Dermatitis, Volume 78, Issue 6, Page 433-434, June 2018.
Psoriasis patients’ preference for an aerosol foam topical formulation
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, EarlyView.
Topical propranolol for infantile haemangiomas: a systematic review
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, EarlyView.
Commentary on ‘Changing prevalence of diabetes mellitus in bullous pemphigoid: it is the dipeptidyl peptidase‐4 inhibitors’
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, EarlyView.
Medically unexplained dermatologic symptoms still a problem
Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, EarlyView.
Fluorofenidone inhibits UV‐A induced senescence in human dermal fibroblasts via the mammalian target of rapamycin‐dependent SIRT1 pathway
The Journal of Dermatology, EarlyView.
Hearing impairment: A secondary symptom in a congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma patient with ABCA12 mutations
The Journal of Dermatology, EarlyView.
Bart's syndrome in a family affected three consecutive generations with mutation c.6007G>A in COL7A1
The Journal of Dermatology, EarlyView.
Editorial AJR Reviewers: Heartfelt Thanks From the Editors and Staff Thomas H. Berquist 1 Share + Affiliation: Citation: American Journal...
Publication date: Available online 25 July 2018 Source: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology Author(s): Marco Ballestr...
Publication date: Available online 28 September 2017 Source: Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas Author(s): F.J. Navarro-Triviño