Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Πέμπτη 14 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Bacteriotherapy with Streptococcus salivarius 24SMB and Streptococcus oralis 89a oral spray for children with recurrent streptococcal pharyngotonsillitis: a randomized placebo-controlled clinical study



Group A beta-hemolytic Streptococcus (GABHS) causes a recurrent acute pharyngotonsillitis (RAPT) in children. Moreover, the repeated use of antibiotics contributes to its resistance. However, S. Salivarius 24SMB and S. oralis 89a were effective probiotics in other infections. Thus, we decided to evaluate this combination efficacy compared to placebo in RAPT.


Patients with microbiologically confirmed GABHS were enrolled in this randomized, placebo-controlled trial. They received the aforementioned combination or placebo as an oral spray. We investigated episodes of frequency and duration, need for antibiotics, school days lost, the treatment impact on life quality, treatment compliance and side effects during a 90-day treatment and a 6-month follow-up.


We included 41 patients in each group. The mean number of GABHS infection was significantly lower during both study periods for the two groups. However, our treatment group showed a lower rate. Moreover, the probiotic group had a lower mean number and a shorter median duration of GABHS episodes during both study periods than controls. Furthermore, the mean duration of antibiotic treatment was lower in the probiotic group during the 90-day and 6-month follow-up periods. Similarly, patients in the probiotic group showed a significantly lower mean number of absence days from school but higher EQ-VAS score. Indeed, all patients included were compliant to treatment.


We identified potential probiotics, possessing desirable features against GABHS pharyngotonsillitis. Our findings represent the first evidence which throws the light on using these probiotics that can reduce antibiotics use which did not have efficient results regarding recurrence.


Mujer y ciencia


Desarrollo de lenguaje en niños con implante coclear en centro terciario de salud: Serie clínica


Resumen Introducción: Desde la década de los 90, los implantes cocleares han progresado desde aplicaciones experimentales a un uso clínico estandarizado en niños con pérdida auditiva severa y profunda. Las investigaciones han producido cambios en la tecnología de los implantes y ha dado lugar a la expansión de los candidatos a implante para incluir a los niños menores de 2 años de edad. El objetivo principal de la implantación coclear pediátrica es facilitar el desarrollo del lenguaje hablado. A pesar de los avances en la tecnología de implantes y los cambios en el manejo de la pérdida auditiva, los resultados de lenguaje en niños son todavía muy variables, participando de este proceso tanto el tratamiento oportuno, la red familiar y nivel socioeconómico entre algunos de ellos. Objetivo: Describir resultados de niños menores 6 años sometidos a cirugía de implante coclear en un centro terciario de salud. Material y método: Estudio longitudinal de cohorte retrospectivo, análisis a 99 pacientes implantados en centro terciario de salud desde inicio programa en 1994 a 2015. Resultados: 99 pacientes, 57% hombres 43% mujeres, edad promedio implantación 16,3 meses. 54,8% casos origen congénito no especificado o prematurez. En 74,4% se objetivó presencia de lenguaje auditivo verbal. El nivel socioeconómico (NSE) mostró asociación con no desarrollo de lenguaje (p =0,009) evidenciando que pacientes de bajo NSE 20% no desarrolla lenguaje. La variable discapacidad asociada (p <0,001) y la variable NSE (p =0,036) se asociaron de manera independiente a lenguaje de señas o no desarrollo de lenguaje oral. Conclusión: Los implantes cocleares ofrecen una opción en la rehabilitación auditiva en hipoacusia sensorio neural profunda, para candidatos de todo el espectro de edad, sin embargo los resultados dependen en gran medida del entorno en el que se utilizan los implantes cocleares.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Since the 90s, cochlear implantation has progressed from experimental to standard clinical practice for children with severe and profound hearing loss. Research has produced changes in implant technology and has led to the expansion of implant candidacy to include children younger than 2 years of age. The primary goal of pediatric cochlear implantation is to facilitate spoken language development. Despite the advances in implant technology and the changes to the management of hearing loss, language outcomes for children are still highly variable, participating in this process both timely treatment, the family network and socio economic level among others. Aim: describe outcomes of patients younger than 6 years undergoing cochlear implant surgery in a tertiary care center. Material and method: retrospective longitudinal cohort study, 99 patients implanted in a tertiary health center since the program's inception in 1994 to 2015 was analyzed. Results: 99 patients, 57 % men 43 % women, average age of implantation 16.3 months. 54.8 % of cases were congenital or prematurity. In 74.4 % they had auditory verbal language. Socioeconomic status (SES) showed association with the lack of language development (p =0.009) demonstrating that low SES patients (20%) do not develop language. The disability associated variable (p <0.001) and the SES variable (p =0.036) were independently associated with sign language or no oral language development. Conclusions: Cochlear implants offer an option for hearing rehabilitation in profound hearing loss, for candidates of all ages, however the results depend largely on the environment in which cochlear implants are used.


Calidad de vida en pacientes con implante coclear en Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau


Resumen Introducción: El concepto de calidad de vida se ha tornado de suma importancia y actualmente toda intervención sanitaria es valorada por el impacto que causa en esta misma. La hipoacusia bilateral profunda produce importantes consecuencias, retrasando la adquisición del lenguaje, disminuye significativamente el aprendizaje y produce dificultades en cómo se desarrolla en su entorno. El implante coclear es el tratamiento de elección en esta patología y es de suma importancia conocer el impacto real que tiene en la calidad de vida de aquellos sometidos a esta intervención. Objetivo: Conocer la calidad de vida global de los pacientes implantados en el Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau entre 2015 y 2016, usando el instrumento de medición de calidad de vida KINDL. Material y método: Estudio analítico prospectivo de cohorte, para medición de calidad de vida se utilizó el instrumento KINDL, se aplicó instrumento a menores implantados y padres a través de entrevista directa en periodos preimplante, a 6 meses y al año de implantación, datos y pruebas estadísticas se realizaron con software SPSS 13. Resultados: Se estudiaron 16 pacientes en edad pediátrica implantados en Hospital Barros Luco Trudeau. Se evidenciaron cambios en la calidad de vida global y en las subescalas de bienestar emocional, autoestima, educación, relación con amigos y familia, además de percepción de enfermedad. Conclusiones: El implante coclear en nuestra serie demostró una modificación positiva en la calidad de vida global tanto de los pacientes como de su entorno familiar.
Abstract Introduction: Quality of life has become very important, and nowadays all health interventions are valued for the impact they can have on it. Profound bilateral hearing loss produces major consequences such as delaying the acquisition of language, which results in a significant decrease in learning and creates difficulties in how the individual develops in their environment. The cochlear implant is the treatment of choice in this pathology, and it is imperative to know the real impact it has on the quality of life of those subjected to this intervention. Aim: To know the overall quality of life of the patients implanted in the Barros Luco Trudeau Hospital between 2015 and 2016, using the KINDL quality of life measurement instrument. Material and method: Prospective analytical cohort study, to measure the quality of life, the KINDL instrument was used. The instrument was applied to implanted minors and their parents through a direct interview in pre-implantation periods at six months and after one year of implantation. The data and statistics tests were made with SPSS 13 software. Results: 16 pediatric patients implanted in the Barros Luco Trudeau Hospital were studied. There were changes in the global quality of life and the subscales of emotional well-being, such as the patient's self-esteem, education, relationships with friends and family, as well as the perception of illness. Conclusions: The cochlear implant in our series demonstrated a positive change in the global quality of life for both patients and their family environments.


Evaluación de procesamiento auditivo y percepción sonora en sujetos con presbiacusia

RESUMEN Introducción: Pacientes portadores de hipoacusia simétrica en la audiometría pueden percibir su déficit como asimétrico. La explicación de este fenómeno podría tener su origen en variaciones en la conducción del estimulo hablado hacia la corteza auditiva, o procesamiento auditivo. Objetivo: Evaluar el procesamiento auditivo en pacientes que refieren escuchar mejor por un oído en presencia de umbrales audiométricos simétricos. Material y método: Pacientes mayores de 65 años. Criterios de exclusión: patología otológica, deterioro cognitivo (Mini Mental test <21 puntos), usuario de audífono, hipoacusia asimétrica. La batería de procesamiento auditivo incluyó evaluación de comprensión del habla en competencia (habla en ruido), pruebas dicóticas (dígitos dicóticos y la versión en español de Staggered spondaic words, SSW), y evaluación temporal (patrón de frecuencia y discriminación de silencio). Todas estas pruebas estaban previamente validadas en población chilena. Análisis estadístico mediante programa SPSS. Se utilizaron estadísticos descriptivos y pruebas no paramétricas (Kruskal Wallis y Mann Whitney). p <.05. Protocolo aprobado por comité de ética de Investigación, pacientes consienten. Trabajo financiado por Concurso de Proyectos de Investigación de la SOCHIORL y Proyecto Anillo ACT1403. Resultados: 49 pacientes cumplen criterios de ingreso, 37 son de sexo femenino. Se identifican tres grupos: escuchan mejor por oído derecho (n: 19), por oído izquierdo (n: 14), o sin diferencia entre ambos oídos (n: 16). El grupo de pacientes con audición simétrica tenia PTP significativamente menor que los otros dos grupos. Al analizar los distintos tests de procesamiento auditivo no hay diferencia entre los grupos. Al evaluar habla dicótica se observó que el oído derecho tuvo un significativo mejor rendimiento que el oído izquierdo para dígitos dicóticos y SSW (p .000 y .007 respectivamente, test de Mann Whitney) en todo el grupo de pacientes evaluados, sin diferencia al agrupar por percepción auditiva (p .835, test de Kruskal Wallis). Conclusión: Para el grupo de pacientes evaluados no se pudo demostrar una relación entre procesamiento auditivo y percepción asimétrica de la palabra.

Abstract Introduction: Presbycusis corresponds to a symmetrical loss in the audiogram. Nevertheless, some patients complaint that they hear better in one ear. Aim: The purpose of this work is to analyze if this asymmetrical perception relates with auditory processing. Material and method: Subjects older than 65 years of age. Exclusion criteria: ear pathology, cognitive decline (Mini Mental test with score <21 points), previous use of hearing aid, asymmetrical thresholds in audiometry. Auditory processing was evaluated with speech in noise test, dichotic tests (dichotic digits and the Spanish version of Staggered spondaic words, SSW), and temporal resolution (frequency pattern and gap in noise). Statistical analysis with SPSS. Descriptive tests, Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney, p <.05. Protocol approved by the local ethics committee. Subjects consented. Financial support by the Chilean Society of Otorhinolaryngology and Proyecto Anillo ACT1403. Results: 49 subjects were recruited, 37 female. 19 of them reported better hearing with the right ear, 14 with the left ear, and 16 no difference among ears. Those subjects with symmetrical perception had better PTP than the other two groups. The three groups had no difference in auditory processing evaluation. In the dichotic hearing assessment most patients had a significant better performance for the right ear both for dichotic digits and SSW, independent of the better ear. Conclusions: For the cases included there was no relation between speech perception and auditory processing. In dichotic tests the right ear had a significant better performance.


Influencia de las zonas cocleares muertas sobre la autopercepción de las habilidades auditivas en adultos con hipoacusia sensorioneural bilateral


RESUMEN Introducción: Las zonas cocleares muertas son áreas de la membrana basilar donde las células ciliadas y/o fibras del nervio auditivo no son funcionales, lo que puede alterar el análisis temporal de una señal acústica. Los efectos funcionales que podrían generar aún no son claros, y establecerlos a través del uso de cuestionarios de autopercepción, proporcionaría información de utilidad para el manejo audiológico de los pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la presencia de zonas cocleares muertas y la autopercepción de las habilidades auditivas en adultos con hipoacusia sensorioneural bilateral. Material y método: Se evaluaron 20 sujetos con hipoacusia bilateral simétrica, entre 51 y 75 años, sin antecedentes de uso de audífonos. Las zonas cocleares muertas fueron evaluadas mediante la prueba TEN en 1, 2, 3 y 4 kHz; y la autopercepción de habilidades auditivas fue medida en los participantes a través del cuestionario de doce preguntas, IROS12. Resultados: La presencia de zonas cocleares muertas se observó en 10 pacientes. No existiendo una diferencia significativa entre grupos, sin embargo, se observaron puntuaciones más bajas de IROS12 en sujetos con zonas cocleares muertas. Conclusiones: La percepción de dificultades auditivas de individuos que presentan una hipoacusia sensorioneural bilateral simétrica moderada, con presencia de zonas cocleares muertas, no difiere significativamente de aquellos individuos que no presentan zonas cocleares muertas.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Cochlear dead regions are areas of the basilar membrane where the hair cells and/or auditory nerve fibers are not functional, which can alter the temporal analysis of an acoustic signal. The functional effects that could generate still are not entirely clear, and set through the use of self-perception questionnaires, provide useful information for audiological management of patients. Aim: To investigate the relationship between the presence of cochlear dead regions and the self-reported of listening difficulties of adults with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. Material and Method: Twenty adults with symmetric bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, aged 51 to 75 years were tested, without previous story of use of hearing aids. Cochlear dead regions were tested using the TEN test at 1, 2, 3 and 4 kHz. The questionnaire of twelve questions, IROS12, was applied to the participants. Results: Cochlear dead regions were present in 10 participants. No significant differences were observed between groups, however lower IROS12 scores were observed in those who had present of dead regions. Conclusion: The perception of hearing difficulties in individuals with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss with cochlear dead regions did not differ significantly from those individuals without cochlear dead regions.


Influencia auditiva de la pared posterosuperior del conducto auditivo externo, en la hipoacusia de conducción postimpanomastoidectomía


RESUMEN Introducción: El tratamiento de la otitis media crónica (OMC) colesteatomatosa es quirúrgico, cuyo objetivo es erradicar la enfermedad, evitar complicaciones y prevenir recurrencias. El gold standard es la timpanomastoidectomía con canal wall down (TCWD). Estudios en cadáver han definido que TCWD disminuye la audición 1-5 dB en frecuencias <1.000 Hz y 0-10 dB entre 1.000 y 3.000 Hz. De aquí nuestro interés por definir la influencia acústica de la pared posterosuperior del conducto auditivo externo (CAE). Objetivo: Determinar en cuantos decibeles se corrige la audición al reconstituir pared posterior del CAE pos-TCWD. Material y método: Trabajo experimental. A pacientes pos-TCWD se reconstituye de manera transitoria la pared posterior del CAE, realizándose audiometría pre y posprocedimiento. Resultados: 23 pacientes (25 oídos), promedio 48,8 años (18-72 años). En 96% existió una diferencia favorable al reconstruir la pared posterior, presentando una mejoría auditiva entre 1,2 y 10,6 dB (4,2 ± 2,8 dB). En frecuencias <1.000 Hz la mejoría fue de 6,0 dB (p <0,001), entre 1.000-3.000 Hz fue 2,6 dB (p <0,001) y >3.000 Hz no hubo diferencia. Considerando PTP de vía aérea la mejoría fue 4,6 dB (p <0,001). Conclusión: Nuestro estudio demuestra que existe mejoría auditiva en la gran mayoría de oídos evaluados al reconstituir la pared posterosuperior del CAE, alcanzando 6 dB en frecuencias <1.000 Hz y 2,6 dB en frecuencias medias. Si consideramos los PTP de vía aérea la mejoría es de 4,6 dB en presencia de pared posterior.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Cholesteatomas treatment is surgical and the goals are complete resection of it, to prevent complications and recurrences. The gold standard operative technique is canal wall down tympanomastoidectomy (CWDT), which reduces the recurrence rate lower than 2%. Studies on human temporal bones have defined that CWDT causes a decrease of 1 to 5 dB at frequencies below 1000 Hz and 0 to 10 dB between 1000 and 3000 Hz. Aim: To determine how many decibels the hearing is improved by reconstituting the posterior wall of the ear canal (EC) in patients after CWDT. Material and method: Experimental study. In patients after CWDT, the posterior wall of EC was reconstructed temporarily. Audiometry was performed before and after the procedure. Results: 23 patients were enrolled (25 ears evaluated). Average age 48.8 years (range 18 to 72 years). In 96% of the ears there was a difference after the procedure with a hearing improvement of 4.2 ± 2.8dB. In frequencies below 1000 Hz, hearing improvement was 6.0 dB (p<0.001), between 1000-3000 Hz, the improvement was 2.6 dB (p<0.001) and >3000 Hz there was no difference. When considering the airway-conduction pure tone average (PTA), the difference was a 4.6 dB improvement (p<0.001). Conclusions: Our study shows that there is a hearing improvement in the vast majority of ears that were evaluated by reconstituting the posterior wall of the EC, reaching a gain of 6 dB at frequencies <1000 Hz and 2,6 dB at mid frequencies. Considering the airway PTA, the improvement is 4.6 dB in the presence of posterior canal wall.


Tumores de glándula parótida: Experiencia quirúrgica Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente


RESUMEN Introducción: La glándula parótida es el sitio más común de tumores de glándulas salivales, correspondiendo al 75%-85% de éstos y al 3% de todos los tumores de cabeza y cuello. Ochenta por ciento de ellos corresponden a tumores benignos. Objetivos: Analizar la experiencia quirúrgica en tumores parotídeos operados en el Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente. Material y método: Revisión de todos los pacientes con tumores parotídeos operados en el Servicio de Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello, del Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente entre enero del año 2011 y abril del año 2016. Las cirugías fueron realizadas por el mismo equipo quirúrgico. Se registraron datos demográficos, clínicos, quirúrgicos, histológicos y resultados posoperatorios. Resultados: En el periodo descrito se operó un total de 94 pacientes. 84,3% correspondieron a tumores benignos y 15,7% a tumores malignos. El 62,9% corresponde a pacientes de sexo femenino y 37,1% de sexo masculino, representando una relación de 1,69:1. La incidencia de parálisis facial transitoria fue de 16,1%, y de ellos solo un paciente mantuvo una parálisis permanente. Conclusión: Los tumores malignos representaron el 15,7%, siendo menor a lo reportado en la literatura. Se presenta una gran serie de tumores parotídeos tratados quirúrgicamente a nivel nacional, con una baja tasa de complicaciones.
Abstract Introduction: Parotid gland is the most common site of salivary gland tumors, corresponding to 75-85% of these and 3% of all head and neck tumors. 80% of them correspond to benign tumors. Aim: To analyze the surgical experience in parotid tumors operated in the Guillermo Grant Benavente Hospital. Material and Method: Review of all patients with parotid tumors operated in the Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Unit of Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente between January 2011 and April 2016. All surgeries were performed by the same surgical team. Demographic, clinical, surgical, histological and postoperative results were recorded. Results: In the period described, a total of 94 patients were operated on. 84.3% corresponded to benign tumors and 15.7% to malignant tumors. 62.9% corresponds to female patients and 37.1% male, representing a ratio of 1.69:1. The incidence of transient facial paralysis was 16.1%, and of these, only one patient maintained permanent paralysis. Conclusions: Malignant tumors represented 15.7% of cases, being less than reported in the literature. This article presents a large series of parotid tumors treated surgically in our country, with a low associated complication rate.


Tumores de glándula submandibular: Experiencia clínica del Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente


RESUMEN Introducción: Los tumores de la glándula submandibular son poco frecuentes. Representan menos del 1% de todos los tumores de cabeza y cuello. Corresponden al 10% de los tumores de las glándulas salivales. Aproximadamente el 50% son malignos. Objetivos: Analizar la experiencia clínica con las submandibulectomias realizadas en el Servicio de Otorrinolaringología y Cirugía de Cabeza y Cuello del Hospital Guillermo Grant Benavente. Material y método: Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo. Revisión de fichas clínicas de pacientes intervenidos de submandibulectomía entre el 01 de enero de 2011 y el 31 de diciembre de 2016 en nuestro servicio. Resultados: Se realizaron 28 submandibulectomías por patología tumoral. La edad promedio fue de 54 años, siendo el 71% de sexo femenino. 21 tumores fueron benignos (75%), siendo el más frecuente el adenoma pleomorfo (14 casos), y 7 tumores malignos (25%), siendo el más frecuente el carcinoma adenoidequístico. Se reportaron dos complicaciones transitorias (7%), una paresia de la rama marginal del nervio facial y una paresia del nervio hipogloso. El 42% de los tumores malignos presentó recurrencia. Conclusión: Nuestra serie presenta resultados acordes a la literatura en cuanto a edad de presentación, distribución por sexo, tipos histológicos, tasa de complicaciones y recurrencia; sin embargo, difiere en la menor frecuencia de tumores malignos, siendo en nuestra serie de 25%. Patología poco frecuente. La presencia de una masa indolora submandibular debe ser derivada a los centros de referencia para estudio y eventual resolución quirúrgica por el riesgo de malignidad.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Submandibular gland tumors are rare. They represent less than 1% of all head and neck tumors. They correspond to 10% of the tumors of the salivary glands. Approximately 50% are malignant. Aim: To analyze the clinical experience with the submandibulectomies performed in the Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery Service of the Guillermo Grant Benavente Hospital. Material and Method: Retrospective descriptive study. Review of clinical records of patients treated with a submandibulectomy between January 1,2011 and December 31, 2016 in our service. Results: 28 submandibulectomies were performed due to tumor pathology. The average age was 54 years, being 71% female. 21 tumors were benign (75%), being the most frequent the pleomorphic adenoma (14 cases), and 7 malignant tumors (25%), being the most frequent the adenoidequistic carcinoma. Two transient complications (7%) were reported, a paresis of the marginal branch of the facial nerve and a paresis of the hypoglossal nerve. 42% of malignant tumors presented recurrence. Conclusion: Our series presents results according to the literature regarding age of presentation, distribution by sex, histological types, complication rate and recurrence; however, it differs in the lower frequency of malignant tumors, being in our series of 25%. Uncommon pathology. The presence of a submandibular painless mass must be referred to the reference centers for study and possible surgical resolution due to the risk of malignancy.


Influencia del exceso de peso en el éxito de la adenoamigdalectomía en pacientes con hiperplasia adenoamigdalina sintomática

Resumen Introducción: En población pediátrica con malnutrición por exceso, existe controversia respecto al rol de la hiperplasia adenoamigdalina en la etiología de los trastornos del sueño y de la efectividad de la adenoamigdalectomía sobre dicha sintomatología. Objetivo: Comparar la efectividad de la adenoamigdalectomía entre pacientes pediátricos eutróficos y con malnutrición por exceso sometidos a adenoamigdalectomía por hiperplasia adenoamigdalina, en relación a la disminución de la sintomatología. Materiales y método: Estudio retrospectivo mediante revisión de fichas clínicas entre junio de 2016 y enero de 2017 de pacientes operados de adenoamigdalectomía por hiperplasia adenoamigdalina sintomática. Se clasificaron los pacientes de acuerdo a edad y estado nutricional en 4 grupos y se evaluó la resolución de la sintomatologia mediante interrogación a padres/tutores. Resultados: Se incluyeron 98 pacientes, con una edad media de 6,3 años. 44,9% de los pacientes fueron eutróficos y 55,1% con malnutrición por exceso. El análisis estadístico entre pacientes eutróficos y aquellos con malnutrición no demostró diferencias significativas en relación a la resolución de la sintomatología. Conclusión: La adenoamigdalectomía por hiperplasia adenoamigdalina sintomática se asocia a una reducción de la frecuencia de roncopatía con pausas en pacientes pediátricos, independientemente del estado nutricional.

Abstract Introduction: In pediatric population with malnutrition by excess, the role of the adenotonsillar hyperplasia in the etiology of breathing-related sleep disorders, and the effectivity of the adenotonsillectomy for reducing symptoms remains controversial. Aim: To compare and evaluate the effectiveness of the adenotonsillectomy between eutrophic and malnutrition by excess pediatric patients submitted to adenotonsillectomy by adenotonsillar hyperplasia, regarding to symptoms resolution. Material and method: A retrospective study was performed collecting data from clinical records between June 2016 and January 2017 of patients submitted to adenotonsillectomy by symptomatic adenotonsillar hyperplasia. Patients were assigned to 4 groups according to age and nutrional status and the rate of symptoms resolution was evaluated through interrogation to parents/guardians. Results: We included 98 patients, with an average age of 6.3 years. A 44.9% of patients were eutrophic and 55.1% had malnutrition by excess. Comparing eutrophic and malnutrition by excess patients, no significant differences were observed regarding to symptoms resolution. Conclusion: The adenotonsillectomy by symptomatic adenotonsillar hyperplasia was associated to an amelioration of the rate of snoring and respiratory pauses during sleeping in pediatric patients, independently of the nutritional status.


Momento de inicio de radioterapia posoperatoria como factor pronóstico en pacientes con cáncer de laringe avanzado


RESUMEN Introducción: Dentro de los factores que juegan un rol en la supervivencia y recidiva de enfermedad de los pacientes con cáncer laríngeo escamoso operados se encuentra el tiempo de inicio de la radioterapia (RT) posoperatoria. Objetivo: Determinar el impacto del retraso de inicio de RT posoperatoria en la supervivencia y recidiva de enfermedad en pacientes con cáncer de laringe escamoso avanzado operado. Material y método: Estudio tipo cohorte retrospectiva. Recolección de datos mediante revisión de fichas clínicas. Análisis de supervivencia y recidiva de enfermedad mediante el método de Kaplan-Meier, comparación de curvas con prueba de Log-Rank y modelo de regresión de Cox para análisis de factores pronósticos. Resultados: El tiempo de espera entre la cirugía y el inicio de la RT en nuestras realidades hospitalarias fueron 11 semanas. La supervivencia específica a 5 años en los pacientes que comienzan la RT ≤6 semanas desde la cirugía es de 33,3% y disminuye a 20% en aquellos que la comienzan >6 semanas (p =0,20). Conclusión: Los pacientes que inician la RT en más de 6 semanas desde la cirugía no presentan una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el pronóstico.
ABSTRACT Introduction: Among the factors that play a role in the survival and recurrence of disease of patients with operated squamous laryngeal cancer is the time to initiation of postoperative radiotherapy (RT). Aim: To determine the impact of delayed onset of postoperative RT on survival and disease recurrence in patients with advanced operated squamous laryngeal cancer. Material and Method: Retrospective cohort study. Collection of data through review of clinical records. Analysis of survival and disease recurrence using the Kaplan-Meier method, comparison of curves with Log-Rank test and Cox regression model for analysis of prognostic factors. Results: The waiting time between surgery and the initiation of RT in our hospital realities was 11 weeks. The 5-year specific survival in patients who start RT ≤ 6 weeks after surgery is 33.3% and decreases to 20% in those who start > 6 weeks (p = 0.20). Conclusion: Patients who start RT in more than 6 weeks after surgery do not present a statistically significant difference in prognosis.


Carcinoma adenoideo quístico pulmonar primario con metástasis precoces exclusivas hepáticas, un caso inusual


RESUMEN El carcinoma adenoideo quístico (CAQ) es una patología propia de las glándulas salivales, casos excepcionales se han descrito como primarios en otras partes de la economía. Este es un caso de CAQ primario pulmonar (CAQPP), con respuesta parcial a radioterapia, además, presenta metástasis hepáticas, sin evidenciarse lesiones de metástasis en otras partes del organismo. Tales características hacen que debamos prestar atención a las formas atípicas de CAQ sobre todo al CAQPP y a su comportamiento poco predecible.
ABSTRACT Adenoid cystic carcinoma (ACC) is a pathology of the salivary glands, exceptional cases have been described as primary of the bronchus. This is a case of primary adenoid cystic carcinoma of the tracheobronchial tree (PACCTBT), with partial response to radiation therapy, in addition, presents liver metastases, without evidence of metastasis injuries in other parts of the body. Such characteristics mean that we should pay attention to the atypical forms of ACC, especially PACCTBT and its unpredictable behavior.


Plenitud ótica como primer síntoma en patología del espacio parafaríngeo


RESUMEN Los tumores del espacio parafaríngeo (EP) son poco frecuentes, representando el 0,5%-1% de las neoplasias de cabeza y cuello. La distribución de los tumores del EP constituye: 40% tumores de glándulas salivales, seguidos de tumores neurogénicos y adenopatías. Presentamos un caso de una paciente de 52 años que acude por presentar sensación de taponamiento ótico izquierdo y molestias faríngeas de 3 meses de evolución. Tras una exploración otorrinolaringológica completa se sospecha patología del espacio parafaríngeo, que se confirma con las pruebas de imagen. Se realiza exéresis quirúrgica mediante abordaje transcervical-transparotídeo, con buena evolución posoperatoria y sin recidiva tras 1 año de seguimiento. El estudio anatomopatológico informa adenoma pleomorfo de parótida. En este trabajo se ha realizado una revisión de la etiopatogenia, diagnóstico y tratamiento de estas lesiones. Consideramos crucial realizar una exploración física otorrinolaringológica completa ante la presencia de un paciente con sintomatología inespecífica ya que el EP constituye un área anatómica difícil de explorar y que a menudo pasa desapercibida, por lo que la patología del EP representa un reto diagnóstico y terapéutico.
ABSTRACT Parapharyngeal space (PPS) tumors are infrequent and account for 0.5%-1% of head and neck neoplasms. Therefore, they represent a diagnostic challenge. The distribution of PPS tumors is as follows: 40% salivary tumors, followed by neurogenic tumors and adenopathies. We report a case of a 50 year old woman that presented with a 3-month history of otic fullness and pharyngeal disturbances. The otolaryngological examination showed PPS pathology that was confirmed by radiological images. Surgical excision by transcervical-transparotid approach was performed followed by uncomplicated healing with no recurrence in one year. The histological examination reported a pleomorphic parotid adenoma. The authors provide a discussion of the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of this type of lesions. This clinical manuscript may shed light on the importance of a complete otolaryngological examination in a patient with unspecific symptoms considering that the PPS is a complex anatomic region and its pathology can easily go unnoticed.


Hiperparatiroidismo persistente debido a paratiromatosis


RESUMEN La paratiromatosis se describe como una dolencia en la que existen múltiples nódulos de tejido paratiroideo hiperfuncionante diseminados por cuello y el mediastino, en la cual las pruebas de imagen no son efectivas para localizar las glándulas paratiroides y requiere de la combinación de un tratamiento médico y quirúrgico que en ocasiones se presenta como un desafío. Describimos el caso de una mujer de 61 años con hiperparatiroidismo primario recurrente a la que se le extirpan un total de 9 glándulas paratiroideas en 3 cirugías diferentes, y realizamos revisión de la literatura.
ABSTRACT Parathyromatosis is described as a condition in which there are multiple nodules of hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue disseminated by the neck and mediastinum. Imaging tests are not effective in locating the parathyroid glands and requires the combination of medical and surgical treatment that sometimes is challenging. We describe the case of a 61-year-old woman with recurrent primary hyperparathyroidism. A total of 9 parathyroid glands where removed in 3 different surgeries. We also reviewed the literature.


Enfermedad de Rosai-Dorfman con compromiso laríngeo: A propósito de un caso

RESUMEN La enfermedad de Rosai-Dorfman (ERD) o histiocitosis sinusal con linfadenopatía masiva es una enfermedad infrecuente, de etiología desconocida caracterizada por linfadenopatías cervicales masivas bilaterales. El compromiso extraganglionar puede ocurrir en diferentes sitios, incluida la vía aérea, en la cual la localización nasosinusal es la más frecuente, pero puede comprometer también otros sitios de la vía aérea superior. Dentro de éstos, el compromiso laríngeo es muy poco frecuente. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de 82 años con antecedentes de ERD localizada en los ganglios linfáticos cervicales en remisión espontánea, que desarrolló posteriormente una obstrucción subaguda de las vías respiratorias. La tomografía computarizada y la nasofaringolaringoscopía mostraron lesiones subglóticas que obstruían severamente las vías respiratorias. Se realizó una traqueostomía de emergencia y biopsia de las lesiones, confirmando el diagnóstico de ERD extranodal.

ABSTRACT Rosai-Dorfman disease or sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy is a rare disease of unknown etiology characterized by bilateral massive cervical lymphadenopathy. Extranodal involvement can occur in different sites including airway where nasosinusal involvement is common but this disease may occur in other sites of the upper airway. Laryngeal involvement is rare. We present the case of an 82-year-old female patient with a history of Rosai-Dorfman disease located in cervical lymph nodes in spontaneous remission that subsequently develops airway obstruction. Computed tomographic scan and nasopharyngolaryngoscopy showed subglottic lessons that severely obstructed the airway. Emergency tracheotomy and biopsy were performed, confirming the diagnosis of extranodal RDD. Patient was observed and tracheostomy was maintained with good tolerance.


Técnica de embalsamiento de cadáver según Thiel. Un método valioso para entrenar y mejorar las destrezas quirúrgicas en el campo de la otorrinolaringología

RESUMEN Los tiempos modernos nos obligan a que la formación de un médico cirujano no se base sólo en conocimientos teóricos, sino que adquiera las mayores habilidades quirúrgicas para así evitar riesgos innecesarios en una sociedad altamente exigente. La disección y el entrenamiento de los procedimientos quirúrgicos juegan un papel primordial para cumplir este objetivo, por lo que recientemente se ha promovido una forma de preservación cadavérica que permite realizar mediante situaciones bastantes realistas dichos adiestramientos. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica electrónica, restringida al idioma inglés en Pubmed, Scopus y WOS donde se pretende describir y analizar las aplicaciones de esta técnica. La revisión ofreció artículos de relevancia que demuestran la aplicación de esta técnica novedosa en la preservación de cadáveres y sus posibles aplicaciones en el campo de otorrinolaringología.

ABSTRACT Nowadays, it is not possible to train a healthcare professional only based on theoretical knowledge, but acquiring the highest surgical skills to avoid unnecessary risks in a highly demanding society, therefore dissection and training of surgical procedures play a key role in fulfilling this objective, which is why a form of cadaveric preservation has recently been promoted, which allows realizing such training through realistic situations. An electronic literature search was carried out, restricted to the English language in MEDLINE, where it is intended to describe and analyze the applications of this technique. The review offered articles of relevance that demonstrate the application of this novel technique in the preservation of corpses and their possible applications in the field of otorhinolaryngology.


Reconstrucción en cabeza y cuello: Un desafío en oncología

RESUMEN Considerando los avances en las modalidades de tratamiento para el cáncer de cabeza y cuello, el manejo quirúrgico de los defectos ha cambiado significativamente en las últimas décadas. Con la mejoría del manejo previo a la cirugía en la década de los 40s-50s, la cirugía ablativa o resectiva se convirtió en el pilar del tratamiento de los tumores avanzados en esta región, lo cual rutinariamente era seguido de tratamiento con radioterapia. Desafortunadamente, la cirugía reconstructiva no avanzó de la misma forma, no existiendo previamente opciones confiables de rehabilitación de estos pacientes. Además, los cirujanos de cabeza y cuello como otorrinolaringólogos de la época no consideraban la reconstrucción como parte importante del tratamiento quirúrgico. Sin embargo, en las últimas décadas, la cirugía reconstructiva ha presentado distintos avances que han permitido complementar el manejo de estas patologías, entregando una terapia oncológica con menos morbilidad cosmética y funcional. Esta revisión pretende de forma general dar a conocer los distintos tipos de colgajo, sus indicaciones y opciones en cirugía reconstructiva de cabeza y cuello, lo cual es de suma importancia para los servicios que manejen patología oncológica de esta región anatómica.

ABSTRACT Encompassing with the advances in the preferred treatment modalities for head and neck cancer, the management of surgical defects has changed significantly over the last decades. With the advent of improved perioperative management in the 1940-50s, radical ablative surgery became the mainstay for treatment of advanced tumors in this region, which was routinely followed by radiation therapy. Unfortunately, reconstructive surgery did not advance at the same pace, and there were no reliable reconstructive options to rehabilitate these patients. Furthermore, head and neck surgeons and otolaryngologists of the time did not consider reconstruction as an important part of the surgical treatment. However, in the last decades, reconstructive surgery has presented different advances that have made it possible to complement the management of these pathologies, delivering an oncological therapy with less cosmetic and functional morbidity. This review aims in general to make known the different types of flap, its indications and options in reconstructive surgery of the head and neck, of utmost importance for the services that handle oncological pathology of this anatomical region.


Rinosinusitis crónica: Una revisión de su etiopatogenia

RESUMEN La rinosinusitis crónica (RSC) se define como una inflamación sintomática de las cavidades nasales y paranasales. Es una enfermedad altamente prevalente, que conlleva una gran carga económica asociada y cuyo tratamiento médico actual consigue un alivio sintomático en aproximadamente 50% de los pacientes. Tradicionalmente se ha clasificado de acuerdo a la presencia o ausencia de pólipos nasales, sin embargo, no se conoce con total claridad los mecanismos que llevan a la diferenciación de ambos fenotipos. Se estima que existirían tanto factores exógenos como endógenos involucrados que configurarían un origen multifactorial de la enfermedad. La RSC es motivo de intensa investigación científica actual dado su impacto y prevalencia, de manera de determinar con mejor precisión los objetivos de un eventual tratamiento de mayor efectividad. Es por ello que presentamos una revisión actualizada en relación a los mecanismos fisiopatológicos subyacentes en RSC.

ABSTRACT Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is defined as a symptomatic inflammation of the nasal and paranasal cavities. It is a highly prevalent disease carrying a large associated economic burden, and its current medical treatment achieves symptomatic relief in approximately 50% of patients. Traditionally, it has been classified according to the presence or absence of nasal polyps. However, the mechanisms that lead to the differentiation of both phenotypes are not fully understood. It has been estimated that there are both exogenous and endogenous factors involved that would configure a multifactorial origin of the disease. Given its impact and prevalence, CRS is currently a subject of intense scientific research, in order to accurately determine the targets for a more effective treatment. For this reason, we present an updated review in relation to the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms in CRS.


Carta al Editor

RESUMEN La rinosinusitis crónica (RSC) se define como una inflamación sintomática de las cavidades nasales y paranasales. Es una enfermedad altamente prevalente, que conlleva una gran carga económica asociada y cuyo tratamiento médico actual consigue un alivio sintomático en aproximadamente 50% de los pacientes. Tradicionalmente se ha clasificado de acuerdo a la presencia o ausencia de pólipos nasales, sin embargo, no se conoce con total claridad los mecanismos que llevan a la diferenciación de ambos fenotipos. Se estima que existirían tanto factores exógenos como endógenos involucrados que configurarían un origen multifactorial de la enfermedad. La RSC es motivo de intensa investigación científica actual dado su impacto y prevalencia, de manera de determinar con mejor precisión los objetivos de un eventual tratamiento de mayor efectividad. Es por ello que presentamos una revisión actualizada en relación a los mecanismos fisiopatológicos subyacentes en RSC.

ABSTRACT Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is defined as a symptomatic inflammation of the nasal and paranasal cavities. It is a highly prevalent disease carrying a large associated economic burden, and its current medical treatment achieves symptomatic relief in approximately 50% of patients. Traditionally, it has been classified according to the presence or absence of nasal polyps. However, the mechanisms that lead to the differentiation of both phenotypes are not fully understood. It has been estimated that there are both exogenous and endogenous factors involved that would configure a multifactorial origin of the disease. Given its impact and prevalence, CRS is currently a subject of intense scientific research, in order to accurately determine the targets for a more effective treatment. For this reason, we present an updated review in relation to the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms in CRS.


Fe de errata/Errata


RESUMEN La rinosinusitis crónica (RSC) se define como una inflamación sintomática de las cavidades nasales y paranasales. Es una enfermedad altamente prevalente, que conlleva una gran carga económica asociada y cuyo tratamiento médico actual consigue un alivio sintomático en aproximadamente 50% de los pacientes. Tradicionalmente se ha clasificado de acuerdo a la presencia o ausencia de pólipos nasales, sin embargo, no se conoce con total claridad los mecanismos que llevan a la diferenciación de ambos fenotipos. Se estima que existirían tanto factores exógenos como endógenos involucrados que configurarían un origen multifactorial de la enfermedad. La RSC es motivo de intensa investigación científica actual dado su impacto y prevalencia, de manera de determinar con mejor precisión los objetivos de un eventual tratamiento de mayor efectividad. Es por ello que presentamos una revisión actualizada en relación a los mecanismos fisiopatológicos subyacentes en RSC.
ABSTRACT Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is defined as a symptomatic inflammation of the nasal and paranasal cavities. It is a highly prevalent disease carrying a large associated economic burden, and its current medical treatment achieves symptomatic relief in approximately 50% of patients. Traditionally, it has been classified according to the presence or absence of nasal polyps. However, the mechanisms that lead to the differentiation of both phenotypes are not fully understood. It has been estimated that there are both exogenous and endogenous factors involved that would configure a multifactorial origin of the disease. Given its impact and prevalence, CRS is currently a subject of intense scientific research, in order to accurately determine the targets for a more effective treatment. For this reason, we present an updated review in relation to the underlying pathophysiological mechanisms in CRS.


Clinicopathological characteristics associated with necrosis in pulmonary metastases from colorectal cancer


Metastatic lung cancers from the colon and rectum (MLCR) frequently have necrotic components. The aim of this study is to elucidate clinicopathological factors associated with the amount of necrosis in MLCR. Ninety patients who underwent the first pulmonary metastasectomy for MLCR with a tumor diameter ≦ 3.0 cm and without chemotherapy were enrolled in this study. Analyzing digitally scanned pathological slides, we calculated the necrosis percentage (NP, the necrosis area divided by the tumor area). The relationship between NP and clinicopathological factors was analyzed. Moreover, to determine whether NP was affected by tissue hypoxia, vascularization, or tumor cell proliferation, tissues were analyzed by immunohistochemical staining using carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX), CD34 antibodies, and Ki-67 antibodies, respectively. Median tumor area and NP were 0.69 cm2 (0.11–3.01) and 13.1% (0–71.6), respectively. Although NP was not associated with the tumor area, it was significantly higher in the patients with a positive smoking history (8.14% vs 17.1%, p = 0.045). Other clinicopathological factors were not correlated with NP. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that CA IX expression on tumor cells, CD34 micro-vessel density, CD34 micro-vessel area, and Ki-67 index were not significantly associated with NP. NP in the primary site was not associated with NP in the pulmonary metastasis. NP was not determined by tumor size, tissue hypoxia, vascularization, or tumor cell proliferation. Positive correlation of NP with smoking history suggests a unique lung microenvironment in smokers which makes necrosis of MLCR more likely to occur.


A reliable method to avoid contamination during cartilage graft preparation in septorhinoplasty



The aim of the study is to determine the risk of contamination in the cartilage graft materials prepared on the swester table and those prepared in a sterile package, and to reveal a more reliable method by performing the microbiological examination of these materials.


Cartilages removed from the nasal septum were divided into four pieces. The first part (Sample A) was directly placed into the medium. Sample B was prepared by being crushed in a sterile package. Sample C was prepared on the auxiliary swester table, and Sample D was prepared on the main swester table actively used by surgery team. All samples were transferred in a 1 ml brain heart(BH) liquid medium. From each BH medium, 100 µl culture was performed on blood agar, eosin–methylene blue–lactose–sucrose agar and chocolate agar.


Bacterial growth was detected in 2 of the samples A, in 4 of the samples B, in 24 of the samples C, and in 36 of the samples D. The number of patients with bacterial growth in the samples C and/or D despite no growth in the sample B was 35. When the samples A/B and C/D were compared in terms of bacterial growth, a significant difference was found in all matchings (p < 0.001 for all comparisons). 


These findings showed that preparation of the cartilage grafts on the swester table was extremely risky for microbiological contamination. Arslan and his colleagues suggest that preparing a graft material in a sterile package is extremely simple, cheap, and it also reduces contamination risk significantly.


Clinical Thyroidology®High-Impact Articles

FREE ACCESS through February 28, 2019
Read Now:

Greetings From the Editor of Clinical Thyroidology
Angela M. Leung

Treatment of Hyperthyroidism Decreases but Does Not Completely Abolish the Increased Risk of Cardiovascular-Related Hospitalization
Natalia Genere and Marius N. Stan 

Iodine Content Is Low or Absent in Some U.S. Multivitamin and Prenatal Vitamin Brands
Charles H. Emerson​

Is It Time to Update the Classification for Radioiodine-Refractory Differentiated Thyroid Cancer?
Edward B. Silberstein, Guest Associate Editor

Patients with Advanced Thyroid Cancer Containing TRK Fusions May Benefit from Recently FDA-Approved Larotrectinib
Brian W. Kim 

The post Clinical Thyroidology<sup>®</sup>High-Impact Articles appeared first on American Thyroid Association.


Reevaluating a Standardized Sedation Weaning Protocol for Pediatric Laryngotracheal Reconstruction

This quality improvement study examines how a new electronic health record affects a series of process, outcome, and balance measures for sedation weaning management in pediatric patients undergoing laryngotracheal reconstruction.


Emergence of Cheyne-Stokes Breathing after Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulator Implant in a Patient with Mixed Sleep Apnea

This is a case report of a man in his 60s with stage 3 chronic kidney disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, type 2 diabetes, bladder and kidney cancer, and depression who underwent hypoglossal nerve stimulator implantation and subsequently demonstrated a Cheyne-Stokes breathing pattern.


Reassessing the Safety of Bicycle Helmets

This Viewpoint proposes a reassessment of the safety of bicycle helmets for the protection of the middle and lower face.


Zur Lebensqualität nach funktionell-ästhetischer Septorhinoplastik


Negative Auswirkungen der Streifenconchotomie auf die intranasale Klimatisierung



Die partielle Resektion des kaudalen Anteils der unteren Nasenmuschel einschließlich des Nasenmuschelkopfs ist ein nach wie vor anzutreffendes Verfahren in der Rhinochirurgie („Streifenconchotomie"). Ausgedehnte Resektionen der Nasenmuschel beeinträchtigen allerdings den nasalen Luftstrom und die intranasale Klimatisierung. Das Ziel dieser Studie war es, den Effekt einer partiellen Resektion der unteren Nasenmuschel inklusive des Nasenmuschelkopfs auf die intranasale Luftströmung sowie Erwärmung und Befeuchtung der einströmenden Luft mit Computational Fluid Dynamics zu bestimmen.

Material und Methoden

Basierend auf dem computertomographischen Datensatz eines Patienten wurde ein bilaterales realistisches Nasenmodell erstellt. Eine einseitige Teilresektion der unteren Nasenmuschel auf der rechten Seite war bei erhaltener unterer Muschel links extern erfolgt. Zur Analyse der intranasalen Luftströmungsmuster, der Temperatur der eingeatmeten Luft und der Feuchtigkeitsverteilung wurde eine numerische Simulation durchgeführt.


Aufgrund der partiellen Resektion der unteren Nasenmuschel auf der rechten Seite einschließlich des Nasenmuschelkopfs war das Strömungsmuster im Vergleich zur Gegenseite deutlich verändert. Die Resektion führt zu einer zentrierten und höheren Geschwindigkeit im unteren Nasengang sowie zu einer reduzierten Erwärmung und Befeuchtung der eingeatmeten Luft im Vergleich zur nichtoperierten linken Nasenhöhle.


Die häufig durchgeführte Teilresektion des kaudalen Anteils der unteren Nasenmuschel kann bei extensiver Resektion zu einer gestörten intranasalen Klimatisierung führen. Daher sollte dieses Verfahren, wenn möglich, in der Rhinochirurgie vermieden und stattdessen ein schleimhautschonenderes Verfahren gewählt werden.


Parotidectomy in patients with head and neck cutaneous melanoma with cervical lymph node involvement



Parotidectomy in melanoma of the coronal scalp and face with clinically involved cervical lymph node metastasis is based on predicted cervical lymphatic drainage described by O'Brien.


In total, 40 parotidectomies with en bloc therapeutic neck dissection were retrospectively analyzed.


Lymphatic spread of melanoma to the parotid lymph nodes was observed in 10 of 40 specimens (25%). Eight of the 10 parotid‐positive patients developed a recurrence vs 17 of the 30 parotid‐negative patients (P = 0.28). There were no differences in overall survival, melanoma‐specific survival, and disease‐free survival between the parotid‐positive and parotid‐negative patients.


Although in this series no survival differences were found, parotidectomy still merits a sustained role in therapeutic neck dissection procedures to improve regional control and to prevent facial nerve damage after surgery for a second relapse from occult metastases in the parotid.


Decreased ciliary beat responsiveness to acetylcholine in the nasal polyp epithelium



We investigated the difference in ciliary beat responsiveness to acetylcholine in ex vivo and the difference in the expressions of associated molecules (M1/M3 muscarinic receptors, pannexin‐1 and P2X7 purinergic receptor) between the nasal polyp and turbinate mucosa.

Study Design

Laboratorial study.


Nasal polyp and inferior turbinate were collected from patients with hypertrophic rhinitis and/or nasal polyp during endoscopic sinonasal surgery.

Main outcome measures

The mucosa was cut into thin strips, and ciliary movement was observed under a phase‐contrast light microscope equipped with a high‐speed digital video camera. The samples were also examined by scanning electron microscopy, fluorescence immunohistochemistry, and quantitative reverse transcription‐polymerase chain reaction.


Cilia were well preserved in both tissues at the ultrastructural level. The baseline ciliary beat frequency (CBF) was not different between the two tissues. The CBF of the turbinate was significantly increased by stimulation with acetylcholine (P<0.001), but that of the polyp was not. The ratio of the acetylcholine‐stimulated CBF to the baseline CBF was significantly lower in the polyp than in the turbinate (P<0.001). Immunohistochemical study revealed that immunoreactivities for M3, pannexin‐1 and P2X7 were weaker in the polyp than in the turbinate. The mRNA expressions of M1, M3 and P2X7 were significantly lower and that of pannexin‐1 tended to be lower in the polyp than in the turbinate.


These results indicate that ciliary beat responsiveness to acetylcholine is decreased in the nasal polyp. This may be explained by the decreased expressions of M3, P2X7 and probably pannexin‐1 in this tissue.


Nasal polyp, ciliary beat frequency, acetylcholine, muscarinic receptor, pannexin‐1 channel, P2X7 purinergic receptor

This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.


Hearing interventions to prevent dementia


Hearing loss is a marker of risk for cognitive decline and dementia. Controlled hearing intervention studies of long-term cognitive outcomes are challenging, and thus the evidence for the impact of hearing interventions is primarily from observational studies and will likely continue to be from studies other than randomised controlled trials. Seven studies of hearing interventions with cognitive outcomes assessed over longer than 3 years are reviewed. Most were of low-to-moderate quality. One cochlear implant study had indeterminate findings. Of six hearing aid studies, three reported a positive impact of hearing aid use while three reported no impact of hearing aid use on cognitive decline or incident cognitive impairment. Further studies are required to elucidate the benefit of hearing interventions on long-term cognitive outcomes. Research should include objectively ascertained hearing data, theoretically motivated cognitive outcomes including dementia subtypes, characterisation, and control for confounds and application of advanced statistical modelling to test causal hypotheses.


Human papillomavirus detection in matched oral rinses, oropharyngeal and oral brushings of cancer-free high-risk individuals

Publication date: April 2019

Source: Oral Oncology, Volume 91

Author(s): Maria Gabriella Donà, Barbara Pichi, Francesca Rollo, Maria Benevolo, Alessandra Latini, Valentina Laquintana, Raul Pellini, Manuela Colafigli, Mirko Frasca, Massimo Giuliani, Antonio Cristaudo


The detection of oral Human Papillomavirus (HPV) may be of clinical utility because of the major role HPV plays in the etiology of oropharyngeal cancer. However, oral HPV testing is not standardized and the best sampling method has yet to be identified. We aimed to compare HPV findings in matched oral rinse-and-gargles (rinses), oropharyngeal brushings and oral brushings.

Materials and methods

HPV-DNA was investigated using Linear Array in samples collected from cancer-free individuals at increased risk for oral HPV.


163 oral rinses already tested for HPV were selected. The matched oropharyngeal (n = 163) and oral brushings (n = 100) were analyzed. The detection rate for any HPV, high-risk (HR)-HPVs and HPV16 was significantly higher in rinses than brushings. The overall agreement for any HPV between rinses and oropharyngeal brushings was 51.2% (Cohen K: 0.14, 95% CI: 0.07–0.21). The proportion of positive agreement was 16.8%. The overall agreement for HR-HPVs was 74.1% (Cohen K: 0.20, 95% CI: 0.07–0.33). The genotype-specific profile of rinses and brushings which were concomitantly HPV-positive only partially overlapped in cases with multiple infections, with more genotypes detected in the rinse, which were not isolated in the corresponding brushings.


The agreement for HPV status between rinses and brushings is poor, particularly for the HPV-positive findings. Despite the fact that the origin of the HPV-infected cells present in the oral rinse is unclear, since they could not be traced back to the oropharynx or oral cavity, oral rinses provided the highest detection rate for HR-HPVs and HPV16.


Pharyngeal flap using carotid artery mobilization in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome with velopharyngeal insufficiency

Publication date: Available online 13 February 2019

Source: International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology

Author(s): Max Greenberg, Christen Caloway, Cheryl Hersh, Daniel Ryan, Paula Goldenberg, Christopher Hartnick


22q11.2 deletion syndrome is the most common microdeletion syndrome in children. Many patients with this disease develop craniofacial defects including cleft palate, bifid uvula, and velopharyngeal insufficiency. Our study adds to the current body of literature by describing a novel technique of carotid mobilization performed in conjunction with pharyngeal flap surgery in patients with extensive medialization of the carotid artery.


Carotid artery mobilization followed by insertion of a superiorly based pharyngeal flap was performed on two patients, a 10-year-old girl and a 5-year-old boy, with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome concurrent with velopharyngeal insufficiency.


Neither patient experienced significant post-operative issues. Following the procedure, parents of both patients noted significant speech and voice improvement. Both patients had improvements in VPI Effects On Life Outcome (VELO) scores, nasometry, and production of paragraph passages following surgery.


Our study describes a novel surgical treatment for children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome with significant velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI). The procedure wherein is characterized by an extensive mobilization of the carotid artery followed by implantation of a pharyngeal flap. This technique resulted in no significant intra-operative bleeding, and was measured to be successful as noted by nasometry scores and changes in pre- and post-op VELO scores.


A Case Report of Melanoma as Acute Mastoiditis in a 10-Month-Old Female Child

We present a rare case of transplacental-transmitted maternal melanoma to the placenta and foetus during the pregnancy of a 34-year-old woman. She was diagnosed with a melanoma at the age of 25, for which she was treated with chemotherapy. During her pregnancy, she presented with a recurrence of the disease and died 3 months after delivery. The 10-month-old female child presented with a recurrent retroauricular oedema on the left side. A trephination of mastoid apophysis followed. Multiple fragments of dark-coloured tissue were sent for histological examination, and the immunophenotype showed a melanocytic tumour in the mastoid. A full radiological assessment showed no sign of metastasis. The child remained without treatment. Complete remission of bone metastatic lesion has been confirmed by follow-up; now, the child is 4 years old, alive, and without evidence of disease.


Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to Selected Lesions of the Petrous Apex


Purpose of Review

Surgery of the petrous apex lesions is considered a surgical challenge. We report our experience and review the literature highlighting current indications and limits in the management of benign and malignant lesions with special focus on the endoscopic approaches.

Recent Findings

Over the last years, indications and limits of the extended endonasal approaches range from inflammatory disease of the paranasal sinuses to the management of various diseases involving the skull base such as CSF leak, pituitary tumors, ethmoid tumors, petrous apex lesions, and purely intracranial lesions thanks to the development of dedicated surgical instrumentation, the improvement of skull base reconstruction techniques, and a better knowledge of the anatomy.


Extended endonasal approach to petrous apex lesions is a safe and effective procedure for appropriately selected patients in the hands of experienced endoscopic skull base surgeons. Nowadays, referral centers equipped by surgical teams with expertise to both endoscopic and lateral skull base routes represent the most safe and effective way of treatment of those diseases.
