Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 14 Απριλίου 2018

Curcumin–galactomannoside complex inhibits pathogenesis in Ox-LDL-challenged human peripheral blood mononuclear cells


Oxidised low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) is a pro-atherogenic molecule, which induces inflammatory response and contributes to the pathogenesis of vascular dysfunction to atherosclerosis. The aim of the present study was to explore the anti-inflammatory effect of a novel bioavailable formulation of curcumin as 'curcumagalactomannosides' (CGM) against ox-LDL-induced inflammatory responses in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (hPBMCs). Curcumagalactomannosides was made from natural curcumin using the soluble dietary fibre (galactomannans) derived from fenugreek seeds (Trigonella foenumgracum) and the hPBMCs were isolated from healthy human volunteers. The cells were cultured in collagen-coated plates at 37 °C and grouped as Group I (Control), Group II (ox-LDL treated) and Group III (ox-LDL + CGM treated). Further analysis of inflammatory markers, reactive oxygen species and mRNA expression levels indicated significantly increased expressions of iNOS, TNF-α, IL-6 and VCAM-1 in ox-LDL-treated group along with the nuclear translocation of NF-κB. Other inflammatory markers such as LOX, PGE2, total COX and lipid peroxidation level were also found to be significantly (p < 0.05) increased upon ox-LDL treatment. The treatment with CGM on the other hand was found to down-regulate and reverse the ox-LDL-induced alterations indicating its potential anti-inflammatory effect on hPBMCs via. NF-κB signalling pathway.

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