Publication date: June–July 2018
Source:Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, Volume 145, Issues 6–7
Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00306932607174,00302841026182,
Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου
Πέμπτη 7 Ιουνίου 2018
Editorial board
Effets paradoxaux des biothérapies — Une dénomination erronée ?
Publication date: June–July 2018
Source:Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, Volume 145, Issues 6–7
Author(s): D. Jullien
Le phénomène de la langue verte, ou le diagnostic par Google
Publication date: June–July 2018
Source:Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, Volume 145, Issues 6–7
Author(s): C. Godillot, A. Laprie, C. Eid, J.-C. Fricain, S. Boulinguez, E. Casassa, E. Vigarios, V. Sibaud
IntroductionLa consommation régulière de cannabis peut s'associer à certaines toxicités endobuccales, souvent mal connues du clinicien : xérostomie, caries, maladie parodontale, leucoedème, hyperplasie gingivale, colonisation à Candida albicans, leucoplasie ou gingivite…ObservationNous rapportons ici l'apparition d'une coloration verte de la langue chez un patient, consécutive à l'inhalation intensive de marijuana.DiscussionCette complication n'a qu'exceptionnellement été rapportée dans la littérature médicale. Paradoxalement, elle est clairement identifiée sur différents moteurs de recherche sur internet, notamment Google.BackgroundRegular cannabis use may be associated with several oral changes not usually identified by dermatologists: xerostomia, increased risk of caries, periodontitis, leukoedema, gingival hyperplasia, and higher prevalence and density of Candida albicans, leukoplakia or gingivitis.Patients and methodsWe report herein the appearance of a characteristic green tongue in a patient following intensive marijuana inhalation.DiscussionThis complication has rarely been reported in the medical literature. Paradoxically, it is clearly described in different Internet search engines, particularly Google.
Lymphome T cutané et systémique traité avec succès par greffe haplo-identique
Publication date: June–July 2018
Source:Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, Volume 145, Issues 6–7
Author(s): M. Méchineaud, M. Mercier, Y. Le Corre, A. Croué, N. Ifrah, L. Martin
IntroductionNous rapportons un cas de lymphome T cutané et systémique ayant résisté au traitement conventionnel et dont l'évolution a conduit à réaliser une greffe de moelle haplo-identique.ObservationUne femme de 53 ans consultait pour un érythème infiltré du visage, des lésions kératosiques du tronc et des adénopathies centimétriques axillaires et inguinales. Le diagnostic de syndrome de Sézary (SS), forme leucémique d'un lymphome T cutané épidermotrope, était retenu. Après 3 ans de traitement par méthotrexate, la patiente développait un SS transformé avec atteinte viscérale. Le fort risque de rechute et l'absence de donneur HLA-compatible amenait à la réalisation d'une greffe haplo-identique de moelle osseuse. La patiente était en rémission complète à 2 ans et demi. L'évolution était cependant marquée par l'apparition, un an après la greffe, d'une éruption lichénoïde blaschko-distribuée dont l'aspect histologique était compatible avec une réaction du greffon contre l'hôte (GVH) chronique ; elle était traitée efficacement par bétaméthasone topique.DiscussionNous rapportons, à notre connaissance, la première greffe haplo-identique réalisée pour un lymphome cutané T transformé et systémique. Ce traitement pourrait désormais être une option pour les patients nécessitant une allogreffe mais n'ayant pas de donneur compatible. Les lésions lichénoïdes blaschko-distribuées attribuées à une GVH chronique pourraient être la conséquence d'une perte d'immunotolérance vis-à-vis de clones embryologiques anormaux, provoquant ainsi une réaction inflammatoire médiée par les lymphocytes T.BackgroundHerein, we report a case of systemic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma refractory to standard therapy, the course of which resulted in haplo-identical bone marrow grafting.Patients and methodsA 53-year-old woman consulted for facial erythema with infiltration, keratotic lesions on the trunk, and adenopathies measuring around 1cm on the axilla and inguinal folds. A diagnosis was made of Sézary syndrome (SS), a leukaemic form of epidermotropic cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. After three years of treatment with methotrexate, the patient developed transformed SS with visceral involvement. Given the high risk of relapse and the absence of an HLA-compatible donor, haploidentical bone marrow grafting was performed. The patient was still in complete remission two and a half years later. The disease course was nevertheless marked by the emergence one year after grafting of a Blaschko-distributed lichenoid eruption having histological features consistent with chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD); treatment with topical betamethasone proved efficacious.DiscussionTo our knowledge, this is the first reported case of haploidentical grafting for systemic and transformed cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. This approach could henceforth represent a therapeutic option for patients requiring an allograft in the absence of compatible donors. The Blaschko-distributed lichenoid lesions attributed to chronic GVHD could be the result of reduced immune tolerance to abnormal embryological clones leading to a T-lymphocyte-mediated inflammatory reaction.
Ichtyoses congénitales : les biothérapies aussi ?
Publication date: June–July 2018
Source:Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, Volume 145, Issues 6–7
Author(s): O. Dereure
Publication date: June–July 2018
Source:Annales de Dermatologie et de Vénéréologie, Volume 145, Issues 6–7
Complications du traitement chirurgical des carcinomes basocellulaires après 75 ans. Étude rétrospective des facteurs pronostiques sur 158 cas
Publication date: Available online 8 June 2018
Source:Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique
Author(s): A. Chossat, O. Marco, M. Chaouat, M. Mimoun, D. Boccara
IntroductionLe carcinome basocellulaire (CBC) est une pathologie à évolution locale, fréquente chez les sujets âgés qui présentent une fragilité pouvant freiner les indications du traitement chirurgical, bien qu'il soit le traitement de référence. L'objectif de cette étude est d'analyser la morbidité et la mortalité associées au traitement chirurgical des CBC chez des patients de plus de 75 ans, afin d'isoler d'éventuels facteurs pronostics de complications postopératoires.Matériel et méthodeIl s'agit d'une étude rétrospective réalisée chez des patients de plus de 75 ans traités chirurgicalement pour un ou plusieurs CBC entre 2010 et 2015 dans le service de chirurgie plastique reconstructrice et esthétique de l'hôpital Saint-Louis à Paris. Les caractéristiques démographiques, les caractéristiques du traitement ainsi que le taux de complications majeures postopératoires ont été recensés. Une analyse univariée puis multivariée des différents facteurs de risque retrouvés ont été effectuées.RésultatsAu total, 158 patients ont été analysés, avec un taux de complications majeures de 12 %. Les analyses statistiques ont retrouvé 5 facteurs de risque significatifs : un âge supérieur à 85 ans (p=0,006), la prise d'un traitement anticoagulant au long cours (p=0,02), la présence d'au moins une comorbidité (p=0,018), une hospitalisation traditionnelle (p=0,002) et la réalisation d'une anesthésie générale (p=1,2e−10).ConclusionIl a été identifié 5 facteurs de risque de complications majeures postopératoires dans le traitement chirurgical des CBC chez les patients de plus de 75 ans. Ces facteurs pourraient orienter les équipes médico-chirurgicales dans la prise en charge optimale du CBC chez le patient âgé.IntroductionBasal cell carcinoma (BCC) is a pathology that evolves locally and it is common in elderly subjects whose frailty could restrict the indications for the reference treatment, which is based on surgery. The aim of this study was to investigate the morbidity and the mortality associated with surgical treatment of BCC in patients over 75 years of age, so as to identify possible prognostic factors for postoperative complications.Materials and methodsThis was a retrospective study carried out with patients over 75 years of age who were treated surgically for one or several BCC between 2010 and 2015 in the reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery unit of the Saint-Louis Hospital in Paris (France). We collated the demographic characteristics, the characteristics of the treatment, as well as the rate of major postoperative complications. We performed a univariate and then a multivariate analysis of the various risk factors that were identified.ResultsA total of 158 patients were analyzed and they exhibited a rate of major complications of 12%. The statistical analysis identified five significant risk factors: being over 85 years of age (P=0.006), long-term use of anticoagulant treatment (P=0.02), the presence of at least one comorbidity (P=0.018), a conventional hospitalization (P=0.002), and the use of general anesthesia (P=1.2e−10).ConclusionFive risk factors for major postoperative complications with the surgical treatment of BCC in patients over 75 years of age were identified. These factors may provide direction to medico-surgical teams in regard to the optimal treatment of BCC in elderly patients.
Improved Detection of New MS Lesions during Follow-Up Using an Automated MR Coregistration-Fusion Method [ADULT BRAIN]
MR imaging is the key examination in the follow-up of patients with MS, by identification of new high-signal T2 brain lesions. However, identifying new lesions when scrolling through 2 follow-up MR images can be difficult and time-consuming. Our aim was to compare an automated coregistration-fusion reading approach with the standard approach by identifying new high-signal T2 brain lesions in patients with multiple sclerosis during follow-up MR imaging.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:This prospective monocenter study included 94 patients (mean age, 38.9 years) treated for MS with dimethyl fumarate from January 2014 to August 2016. One senior neuroradiologist and 1 junior radiologist checked for new high-signal T2 brain lesions, independently analyzing blinded image datasets with automated coregistration-fusion or the standard scroll-through approach with a 3-week delay between the 2 readings. A consensus reading with a second senior neuroradiologist served as a criterion standard for analyses. A Poisson regression and logistic and regressions were used to compare the 2 methods. Intra- and interobserver agreement was assessed by the coefficient.
RESULTS:There were significantly more new high-signal T2 lesions per patient detected with the coregistration-fusion method (7 versus 4, P < .001). The coregistration-fusion method detected significantly more patients with at least 1 new high-signal T2 lesion (59% versus 46%, P = .02) and was associated with significantly faster overall reading time (86 seconds faster, P < .001) and higher reader confidence (91% versus 40%, P < 1 x 10–4). Inter- and intraobserver agreement was excellent for counting new high-signal T2 lesions.
CONCLUSIONS:Our study showed that an automated coregistration-fusion method was more sensitive for detecting new high-signal T2 lesions in patients with MS and reducing reading time. This method could help to improve follow-up care.
Neurodevelopmental Correlates of Fetal Motor Behavior Assessed Using Cine MR Imaging [PEDIATRICS]
Fetal motor behavior is widely used as a clinical indicator for healthy development; however, our understanding of its potential as a marker for neurologic integrity is underdeveloped. MR imaging allows complete views of the whole fetus, which, combined with brain imaging, may improve the characterization of this relationship. This study aimed to combine an analysis of fetal motor behavior, brain MR imaging, and postnatal outcome, to provide insight into neurodevelopmental correlates of motor behavior.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:Cine MR imaging was used to acquire sequences of fetal motor behavior in subjects with normal and abnormal findings on conventional brain MR imaging between 18 weeks' gestation and term. General movement sequences were analyzed using established criteria. Brain MR imaging was reported by an expert fetal neuroradiologist. Subjects were followed for up to 4 years postnatally with standard postnatal assessments.
RESULTS:Nineteen of 21 fetuses with normal brain MR imaging findings showed normal general movements, compared with 14 of 22 of the fetuses with abnormal brain MR imaging findings, which, when classified by severity of the malformation, showed a significant relationship with postnatal outcome (P = .021). There was a significant relationship among neurodevelopmental outcome, general movement quality, and MR imaging of the brain (P = .020).
CONCLUSIONS:The findings from this study demonstrate that a combined structural and functional imaging approach to the fetus will improve the characterization of early neurologic integrity, with the potential to inform postnatal outcome. This also lays the groundwork for further in vivo research as advanced imaging techniques are developed to study fetal neurologic development.
Visualization and Classification of Deeply Seated Collateral Networks in Moyamoya Angiopathy with 7T MRI [ADULT BRAIN]
Collateral networks in Moyamoya angiopathy have a complex angioarchitecture difficult to comprehend on conventional examinations. This study aimed to evaluate morphologic patterns and the delineation of deeply seated collateral networks using ultra-high-field MRA in comparison with conventional DSA.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:Fifteen white patients with Moyamoya angiopathy were investigated in this prospective trial. Sequences acquired at 7T were TOF-MRA with 0.22 x 0.22 x 0.41 mm3 resolution and MPRAGE with 0.7 x 0.7 x 0.7 mm3 resolution. Four raters evaluated the presence of deeply seated collateral networks and image quality in a consensus reading of DSA, TOF-MRA, and MPRAGE using a 5-point scale in axial source images and maximum intensity projections. Delineation of deeply seated collateral networks by different imaging modalities was compared by means of the McNemar test, whereas image quality was compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.
RESULTS:The relevant deeply seated collateral networks were classified into 2 categories and 6 pathways. A total of 100 collateral networks were detected on DSA; 106, on TOF-MRA; and 73, on MPRAGE. Delineation of deeply seated collateral networks was comparable between TOF-MRA and DSA (P = .25); however, both were better than MPRAGE (P < .001).
CONCLUSIONS:This study demonstrates excellent delineation of 6 distinct deeply seated collateral network pathways in Moyamoya angiopathy in white adults using 7T TOF-MRA, comparable to DSA.
Risk of Branch Occlusion and Ischemic Complications with the Pipeline Embolization Device in the Treatment of Posterior Circulation Aneurysms [INTERVENTIONAL]
Flow diversion with the Pipeline Embolization Device is increasingly used for endovascular treatment of intracranial aneurysms due to high reported obliteration rates and low associated morbidity. While obliteration of covered branches in the anterior circulation is generally asymptomatic, this has not been studied within the posterior circulation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between branch coverage and occlusion, as well as associated ischemic events in a cohort of patients with posterior circulation aneurysms treated with the Pipeline Embolization Device.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:A retrospective review of prospectively maintained databases at 8 academic institutions from 2009 to 2016 was performed to identify patients with posterior circulation aneurysms treated with the Pipeline Embolization Device. Branch coverage following placement was evaluated, including the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, anterior inferior cerebellar artery, superior cerebellar artery, and posterior cerebral artery. If the Pipeline Embolization Device crossed the ostia of the contralateral vertebral artery, its long-term patency was assessed as well.
RESULTS:A cohort of 129 consecutive patients underwent treatment of 131 posterior circulation aneurysms with the Pipeline Embolization Device. Adjunctive coiling was used in 40 (31.0%) procedures. One or more branches were covered in 103 (79.8%) procedures. At a median follow-up of 11 months, 11% were occluded, most frequently the vertebral artery (34.8%). Branch obliteration was most common among asymptomatic aneurysms (P < .001). Ischemic complications occurred in 29 (22.5%) procedures. On multivariable analysis, there was no significant difference in ischemic complications in cases in which a branch was covered (P = .24) or occluded (P = .16).
CONCLUSIONS:There was a low occlusion incidence in end arteries following branch coverage at last follow-up. The incidence was higher in the posterior cerebral artery and vertebral artery where collateral supply is high. Branch occlusion was not associated with a significant increase in ischemic complications.
Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping after Sports-Related Concussion [ADULT BRAIN]
Quantitative susceptibility mapping using MR imaging can assess changes in brain tissue structure and composition. This report presents preliminary results demonstrating changes in tissue magnetic susceptibility after sports-related concussion.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:Longitudinal quantitative susceptibility mapping metrics were produced from imaging data acquired from cohorts of concussed and control football athletes. One hundred thirty-six quantitative susceptibility mapping datasets were analyzed across 3 separate visits (24 hours after injury, 8 days postinjury, and 6 months postinjury). Longitudinal quantitative susceptibility mapping group analyses were performed on stability-thresholded brain tissue compartments and selected subregions. Clinical concussion metrics were also measured longitudinally in both cohorts and compared with the measured quantitative susceptibility mapping.
RESULTS:Statistically significant increases in white matter susceptibility were identified in the concussed athlete group during the acute (24 hour) and subacute (day 8) period. These effects were most prominent at the 8-day visit but recovered and showed no significant difference from controls at the 6-month visit. The subcortical gray matter showed no statistically significant group differences. Observed susceptibility changes after concussion appeared to outlast self-reported clinical recovery metrics at a group level. At an individual subject level, susceptibility increases within the white matter showed statistically significant correlations with return-to-play durations.
CONCLUSIONS:The results of this preliminary investigation suggest that sports-related concussion can induce physiologic changes to brain tissue that can be detected using MR imaging–based magnetic susceptibility estimates. In group analyses, the observed tissue changes appear to persist beyond those detected on clinical outcome assessments and were associated with return-to-play duration after sports-related concussion.
Thalamocortical Connections and Executive Function in Pediatric Temporal and Frontal Lobe Epilepsy [PEDIATRICS]
Largely accepted in the literature is the role the interconnections between the thalamus and cortex play in generalized epilepsy. However, thalamocortical involvement is less understood in focal epilepsy in terms of the effect of seizures on thalamocortical circuitry in the developing brain and subsequent cognitive outcome. We investigated thalamocortical pathway microstructure in pediatric frontal lobe epilepsy and temporal lobe epilepsy and examined the associations between pathway microstructure and measures of executive function.
MATERIALS AND METHODS:We examined thalamocortical connections in 24 children with frontal lobe epilepsy, 17 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, and 25 healthy children using DTI. We investigated several executive function measures in patients and controls, which were distilled into latent executive function components to compare among groups, and the associations between measures of thalamocortical microstructure and executive function.
RESULTS:We found no differences in thalamocortical pathway microstructure between the groups, but aspects of executive function (mental flexibility/inhibition/shifting) were impaired in the frontal lobe epilepsy group compared with controls. In patients with frontal lobe epilepsy, younger age at seizure onset and a greater number of antiepileptic drugs were associated with DTI indices indicative of damaged/less developed thalamocortical pathways. In patients with temporal lobe epilepsy, poorer performance on all measures of executive function was associated with DTI indices reflective of damaged/less developed pathways.
CONCLUSIONS:Our results give insight into vulnerable neural networks in pediatric focal epilepsy and suggest thalamocortical pathway damage as a potential mechanism of executive function impairment in temporal lobe epilepsy but not frontal lobe epilepsy. Identifying structure-function relations can help inform how we measure functional and cognitive/behavioral outcomes in these populations.
Carbonaceous PM10 and PM2.5 and secondary organic aerosol in a coastal rural site near Brindisi (Southern Italy)
Organic and elemental carbon were measured both in daily PM10 and PM2.5 and in 6 h range time PM2.5 samples collected from September 2015 to October 2015 in a coastal rural site near Brindisi in the Apulia region (Italy), in order to determine factors affecting the carbonaceous aerosol variations. Carbon content (total carbon TC) represented a considerable fraction for both PM10 and PM2.5. In particular, in PM10 samples, organic carbon (OC) varied from 1.06 to 18.32 μg m−3 with a mean concentration of 5 ± 4 μg m−3 and EC varied from 0.11 to 0.88 μg m−3 with a mean value of 0.41 ± 0.19 μg m−3. In PM2.5 samples, OC varied from 0.54 to 12.91 μg m−3 with a mean concentration of 3.5 ± 2.8 μg m−3 and EC varied from 0.11 to 0.85 μg m−3 with a mean value of 0.35 ± 0.18 μg m−3. The highest values for both parameters were recorded when the air masses were coming from NE Europe and when Saharan Dust events were recognized. The results show that OC and EC exhibited higher concentrations during the night hours, suggesting that stable atmosphere and lower mixing conditions play important roles for the accumulation of air pollutants and promote condensation or adsorption of semivolatile organic compounds. In samples from a Saharan Dust event and in samples with the lowest and the highest OCsec, ATR-FTIR analysis allowed us to identify organic functional groups including the non-acid organic hydroxyl C–OH group (e.g., sugars, anhydrosugars, and polyols), carbonyl C=O group, carboxylic acid COOH group, aromatic and aliphatic unsaturated C=C–H group, aliphatic saturated C–C–H group, and amine NH2 group. Some inorganic ions were also identified: carbonates, sulfate, silicate, and ammonium. The dusty samples are mainly characterized by the presence of carbonate and hydrogen sulfate ions and by kaolinite (absorption at 914 and 1010 cm−1), while in samples with air masses coming from the NE, OC is mainly characterized by aliphatic and aromatic C–H and O–H and N–H groups (absorptions in the range 3500–2700 cm−1) and by the presence of organonitrate, aromatic amide and amine, and carboxylic acids (absorptions at 1630 and 1770–1700 cm−1).
Graphical abstract
Wastewater treatment plants as a source of microplastics in river catchments
It is now well established that the oceans contain significant accumulations of plastic debris but only very recently have studies began to look at sources of microplastics (MPs) in river catchments. This work measured MPs up- and downstream of six wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in different catchments with varying characteristics and found that all led to an increase in MPs in rivers. Nevertheless, the data collected indicated that there were other important sources of MPs in the catchments studied and that these may include atmospheric deposition, agricultural land to which sewage sludge has been applied, and diffuse release of secondary MPs following the breakdown of larger plastic items. MPs were comprised mainly of fibres, fragments, and flakes with pellets and beads only dominating at one site. Variation in MP pollution occurred over time and this difference was greater at some sites than others. A key research need is the further study of MP sources in river catchments to facilitate management efforts to reduce their presence in freshwater and marine environments.
Objective assessment of effect of dome cut and suture on the correction of lower lateral cartilage malposition
All surgeons who work on rhinoplasty, should have adequate knowledge in anatomic perspectives and related deformities, especially in tip area to reach ideal outcomes. According to historical definitions of projection and lower lateral cartilage (LLC), which is composed of three crura: middle, lateral, and medial, lateral LLC forms an acceptable angle with the septum. LLC malposition may be congenital or secondary, may result in functional complications, such as difficulty in nasal breathing during inspiration due to external valve collapse, or aesthetic complication, including boxy tip, ball tip, pinch tip, poor alar - columellar relationship, poor tip aesthetics, and alar notching +/-retraction.
Quantitative dynamic analysis of the nasolabial complex using 3D motion capture – a normative data set
Smile reanimation should be considered from a dynamic perspective. Any intervention should restore normality. To date no such normative dynamic data has been published.
How to assess the volume of a DIEP flap using a free online calculator: the DIEP V (volume) method,,✰✰✰,✰✰✰✰
Among the few methods available, none is able to determine accurately the volume of a DIEP flap. Specimen weight is commonly used to assess the amount of flap needed to reconstruct a breast, but the density of breast is different from that of abdominal tissues; therefore, the volume should be used as a unique unit of measure. The purpose of this study was to provide a simple method to calculate the predicted volume of a DIEP flap in order to match the volume of the breast being reconstructed.
Application of Phragmites australis to remove phenol from aqueous solutions by chemical activation in batch and fixed-bed columns
The ability of the agricultural residue of Phragmites australis to serve as an absorbent material used to remove phenol from aqueous solutions in batch and continuous fixed-bed columns was investigated. Prepared adsorbents were characterized by SEM, FTIR, and pHpzc methods. The equilibrium adsorption (qe) of phenol was increased from 9.61 to 29.40 mg/g when the initial phenol concentrations increased from 50 to 150 mg/L. The max adsorption capacity of Phragmites australis was found to be 29.60 mg/g at 30 °C. In column studies, a higher flow rate, higher initial concentration of phenol, and shorter packing layer height increase the column adsorption capacity of phenol. In a batch and continuous fixed-bed column studies, the experiment data was evaluated by some classic models. Fitting degree between the experimental results shows that the pseudo-second-order adsorption kinetics and Langmuir model were the best. Thomas and Yoon-Nelson models were in good agreement with the experimental breakthrough curve data. Both batch and continuous investigation indicated that Phragmites australis could be used as a fine adsorbent to remove phenol and that the adsorption efficiency improved significantly in the column experiment.
Preliminary study on the dynamics of heavy metals in saline wastewater treated in constructed wetland mesocosms or microcosms filled with porous slag
This study aims to evaluate the practical potential of using constructed wetlands (CWs) for treating saline wastewater containing various heavy metals. The results demonstrated that CWs growing Canna indica with porous slag as substrate could efficiently remove heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb) from saline wastewater at an electrical conductivity (EC) of 7 mS/cm, especially under low influent load. Salts with salinity level (characterized as EC) of 30 mS/cm suppressed the removal of some heavy metals, dependent on heavy metal species and their influent concentrations. The presence of salts in CWs can improve the accumulation of Cu, Zn, and Pb in plant tissues as compared to control treatment, irrespective of metal concentrations in solution. The influence of salts on Cd accumulation depended on both salinity levels and Cd concentrations in solution. Although more heavy metals were accumulated in roots than in shoots, the harvesting of aboveground plant materials is still efficient addition for heavy metal removal due to the greater biomass and growth rate of aboveground plant material. Furthermore, replacing all plants instead of preserving roots from harvested plants in CWs over a period of time is essential for heavy metal removal, because the continued accumulation by roots can be inhibited by the increasing accumulated heavy metals from saline wastewater.
The effects of colostrum on some biochemical parameters in the experimental intoxication of rats with paracetamol
In the current study, the possible prophylactic and therapeutic effects of colostrum (COL) on acute organ injury caused by paracetamol (PAR) in rats were evaluated. Within the scope of this study, a 2-month-old male (150–200 g) 70 Wistar Albino rat was used and a total of seven groups were designed. The first group (CNT) was maintained for control purposes. The second group (COL-1) was given COL for 1 day, at a dose of 500 mg/kg at 6-h intervals, and blood and tissue sampling was performed at 24 h. The third group (COL-7) received COL for 7 days, at a dose of 500 mg/kg at 6-h intervals on day 1 and at a daily dose of 500 mg/kg on the following days, and blood and tissue samples were taken at the end of seventh day. The fourth group (PAR-1) was administered with PAR at a dose of 1.0 g/kg bw and was blood and tissue sampled at 24 h. The fifth group (PAR-7) received PAR at a dose of 1.0 g/kg bw on day 1 and was blood and tissue was removed at the end of day 7. The sixth group (PAR+COL-1) was administered with a combination of PAR (1 g/kg bw) and COL (500 mg/kg at 6-h intervals), and blood and tissue samples were collected at 24 h. The seventh group (PAR+COL-7) received 1.0 g/kg bw of PAR on day 1 and was given COL throughout the 7-day study period (at a dose of 500 mg/kg at 6-h intervals on day 1 and at a daily dose of 500 mg/kg on the following days). In the seventh group, blood and tissue samples were taken at the end of seventh day. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), glucose, creatinine, triglyceride, total bilirubin, total protein and albumin levels/activities were analysed in the serum samples. The malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) levels/activities, known as oxidative stress parameters, were assayed for tissue homogenates and blood (erythrocytes/plasma); in addition, enzyme activities of GSH S-transferase (GST), cytochrome P4502E1 (CYP2E1), NADH-cytochrome b5 reductase (CYTB5), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), NADPH-cytochrome P450 C reductase (CYTC) and glutathione (GSH) levels/activities defined as drug metabolising parameters were measured in liver homogenates. In result, it was determined that PAR caused significant alterations in some biochemical and lipid peroxidation parameters and the activities/levels of drug metabolising parameters in the liver and that COL normalised some of these parameters and reduced PAR-induced tissue damage.
Thymoquinone and diallyl sulfide protect against fipronil-induced oxidative injury in rats
Fipronil (FPN) is a phenylpyrazole insecticide, widely used for agricultural and veterinary activities. Early reports indicated that FIP organ toxicity is primarily mediated by the induction of oxidative stress. Both thymoquinone (TQ) and diallyl sulfide (DAS) are natural antioxidants with established health benefits. This study investigated the potential ameliorative effects of DAS and TQ against FPN-induced toxicity in rats. Thirty-two male Wistar rats (150–180 g) were randomized into four treatment groups, receiving (I) saline, (II) FPN (10 mg/kg bw), (III) FPN with DAS (200 mg/kg bw), and (IV) FPN with TQ (10 mg/kg bw). All treatments were administered once daily for 28 days. The results showed that compared to the control rats, FPN-treated rats had significantly increased (p < 0.05) serum levels of uric acid, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, aspartate transferase, alanine transferase, alkaline phosphatase, lactate dehydrogenase, and γ-glutamyl transferase. Moreover, FPN significantly reduced (p < 0.05) the serum levels of total proteins, albumin, and triglycerides. In addition, compared with the control group, FPN-treated rats had significantly elevated (p < 0.05) malondialdehyde and nitric oxide levels, as well as significantly reduced glutathione concentration and activities of glutathione peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, and catalase enzymes in the hepatic, renal, and brain tissues. Cotreatment with DAS or TQ significantly ameliorated (p < 0.05) the FPN-induced alterations in all the previously mentioned parameters with more frequent restoration of normal control ranges in the TQ group. In conclusion, both DAS and TQ alleviated the oxidative injury of FPN, probably by enhancing tissue antioxidant defenses.
Limitations, Transparency, and Conclusions
Limitations, Transparency, and Conclusions—Reply
Association of Dorsal Reduction and Tip Rotation With Social Perception
The Allergic Rhinitis Control Test questionnaire is valuable in guiding step-down pharmacotherapy treatment of allergic rhinitis
Publication date: Available online 7 June 2018
Source:The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice
Author(s): Rongfei Zhu, Jingru Wang, Yuying Wu, Yongshi Yang, Nan Huang, Yaqi Yang, Rui Zhang, Dongxia Ma, Lin Yang, Pascal Demoly
BackgroundAllergic Rhinitis Control Test(ARCT) has been validated in allergic rhinitis(AR) step-up pharmacotherapy management approach.ObjectiveThe aim of our study was to evaluate the potential of ARCT in AR step-down pharmacotherapy.MethodsIn an open-labelled randomized controlled study, AR patients controlled with intranasal corticosteroid(INS) plus antihistamine(step 4) were included and randomized into an ARCT or a control group. In ARCT group, the patients were followed up every 15 days; if ARCT score was ≥20(controlled AR), the patient would step down to step 3(INS), step 2(daily antihistamine), step 1(antihistamine as needed) and step 0(no medication) consecutively; if ARCT score was strictly <20, the treatment would not be adjusted. In the control group, patients would be treated with step 4 medications during the whole study. Rhinitis Quality-of-Life Questionnaire(RQLQ), Morisky Questionnaire and Brief Illness-Perception-Questionnaire(B-IPQ) were completed at baseline and the end of the study. Medication use and side effects were recorded.ResultsA total of 255 AR patients were enrolled into the study, 27 patients dropped out. The control rates at D45 were 77.8% in ARCT group and 85.8% in control group(P>0.05). ARCT group had less mean medication use than control group(INS 1.27 vs. 2.22 bottle, antihistamines 35.9 vs. 61.4 tablets)(P<0.05). RQLQ, Morisky and B-IPQ score were significantly improved in both groups after treatment(P<0.05).ConclusionStepping down AR medications in controlled patients led to similar clinical outcomes at reduced cost compared with those who maintained their current treatment level. ARCT is an optimal tool for evaluating the step-down eligibility.
Different segments within vertebrate muscles can operate on different regions of their force-length relationships
Oxygen and the energetic requirements of the first multicellular animals*
Structural determinants of muscle gearing during dynamic contractions
Understanding context dependence in glucocorticoid-fitness relationships: the role of the nature of the challenge, the intensity and frequency of stressors, and life history
Exogenously applied zinc and copper mitigate salinity effect in maize ( Zea mays L.) by improving key physiological and biochemical attributes
Zinc or copper deficiency and salinity are known soil problems and often occur simultaneously in agriculture soils. Plants undergo various changes in physiological and biochemical processes to respond to high salt in the growing medium. There is lack of information on the relation of exogenous application of Zn and Cu with important salinity tolerance mechanisms in plants. Therefore, the present study was conducted to determine the effect of foliar Zn and Cu on two maize cultivars (salt-tolerant cv. Yousafwala Hybrid and salt-sensitive cv. Hybrid 1898). Salinity caused a significant reduction in water and turgor potentials, stomatal conductance, and transpiration and photosynthetic rate, while increase in glycine betaine, proline, total soluble sugars, and total free amino acids was evident in plants under saline regimes. Furthermore, there was significant decline in P, N, Ca, K, Mn, Fe, Zn, and Cu and increase in Na and Cl contents in plants fed with NaCl salinity. Nitrate reductase activity was lower in salt-stressed plants. However, foliar application of Zn and Cu circumvented salinity effect on water relations, photosynthesis, and nutrition and this was attributed to the better antioxidant system and enhanced accumulation of glycine betaine, proline, total free amino acids, and sugars. The results of the present study suggested that Zn application was superior to Cu for mediating plant defense responses under salinity.
Transcriptome analysis provides insights into the immunity function of venom glands in Pardosa pseudoannulata in responses to cadmium toxicity
Due to some similarity of innate immunity between insects and mammals, the study of the molecular mechanism of innate immunity in insects has become a focus of research. However, the exact molecular and cellular basis of immune system in insect remains poorly understood. Characterization of the transcriptomic response to Cd of spider is an effective approach to understanding the innate immunity mechanisms. In this study, we carried out transcriptome sequencing and gene expression analyses to develop molecular resources for Pardosa pseudoannulata venom glands with and without Cd treatments. A total of 92,778 assembled unigenes and 237 Cd stress-associated differentially expressed genes between the Cd-treated and control groups were obtained. Expression profile analysis demonstrated that immunity-related genes involved in bacterial invasion of epithelial cells, leukocyte transendothelial migration, platelet activation, apoptosis, phagosome, and Rap1 signaling pathway were upregulated by Cd exposure, except the genes involved in PPAR signaling pathway were downregulated. Our results provide the first comprehensive transcriptome dataset of venom glands in P. pseudoannulata response to Cd, which is valuable for throws light on the immunotoxicity mechanism of Cd, and the innate immunity complexity.
Orbital Expansion in Cranial Vault After Minimally Invasive Extradural Transorbital Decompression for Thyroid Orbitopathy
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor Metastasis to the Orbit
Duration-dependent effect of exposure to static electric field on learning and memory ability in mice
With the rapid development of ultra-high-voltage direct-current (UHVDC) transmission, the strength of environmental static electric field (SEF) around UHVDC transmission lines increased substantially, which has aroused widely public attention on the potential health effects of SEF. In this study, the effect of SEF exposure on learning and memory ability was investigated. Institute of Cancer Research mice were exposed to 56.3 kV/m SEF for a short term (7 days) or long term (49 days). Behaviors in the Morris water maze (MWM) test, hippocampal neurotransmitter contents, and oxidative stress indicators were examined. Results showed that short-term SEF exposure significantly prolonged escape latency and decreased the number of platform-site crossovers, as well as decreased the time spent in the target quadrant in the MWM test. Meanwhile, serotonin level and the ratio of glutamate level to γ-aminobutyric acid level changed significantly. Besides, malondialdehyde content and glutathione peroxidase activity increased significantly, while superoxide dismutase activity decreased significantly. After long-term SEF exposure, all indices above showed no significant differences between the SEF and sham exposure groups. These data indicated that short-term exposure to 56.3 kV/m SEF could cause abnormal neurotransmitter levels and oxidative stress in the hippocampus, which led to the decline in learning and memory ability. Under the condition of long-term exposure, the SEF-induced disturbances in neurotransmitter contents and redox balance were offset by the compensatory responses of mice, and thus, the learning and memory ability returned to normal level. The temporary and reversible decline in learning and memory ability was only a common biological effect of SEF rather than a health hazard.
Effect of aquatic macrophyte growth on landscape water quality improvement
The water of urban landscape park is often confronted with microalgal blooms due to its stagnancy. Bioremediation using the combined emergent and submerged plants to control the microalgae growth was investigated in the present study. Two water bodies (Bei and Xin) of Yuyuantan Park in Beijing were selected for the field experiments, and the other lakes with different vegetation of macrophytes were selected as the comparison. The concentrations of chlorophyll a (chl a), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total nitrogen (TN), and total phosphorus (TP), and water temperature and transparency were monitored before and after bioremediation from 2015 to 2017. Results showed that the effects of microalgal inhibition were more significant 2 years after bioremediation. Specifically, the chl a of Dong Lake without any vegetation of macrophytes was up to 65.1 μg/L in summer of 2017, while the Bei and Xin Lakes was only 6.2 and 11.3 μg/L, respectively. In addition, the water quality and transparency also improved, with water bodies being crystal clear. Submerged plants played major roles in microalgal control and water quality improvement, compared to the lakes with only emergent plants. The intensity of humic acid-like substances in three-dimensional fluorescent spectra was stronger for the lakes with submerged plants.
Differential sensitivity of developmental stages of the South American toad to a fungicide based on fludioxonil and metalaxyl-M
Agricultural fungicide application in Argentina has increased twice since 2008, with Maxim® XL (2.5% fludioxonil +1% metalaxyl-M) as one of the most used fungicide formulation. The toxicity of this pesticide on Rhinella arenarum was assessed by means of continuous (from embryo and larval development) and 24-h pulse exposure standardized bioassays. Lethality was concentration- and exposure time-dependent. Maxim® XL caused a progressive lethal effect along the bioassays with higher toxicity on embryos than larvae, obtaining 50% lethal concentrations at 96, 336, and 504 h of 10.85, 2.89, and 1.71 mg/L for embryos, and 43.94, 11.79, and 5.76 mg/L for larvae respectively. Lethal 504-h no observed effect concentration values for embryos and larvae were 1 and 2.5 mg/L respectively. A stage-dependent toxicity of Maxim® XL was also demonstrated within the embryo development, with early stages more sensitive than the later ones, and blastula as the most sensitive developmental stage. The risk quotients obtained for chronic risk assessment determined a potential threat for the survival and continuity of R. arenarum populations under these conditions. The results indicate that the levels of the fungicide reaching amphibian habitats could be risky for the early development of this amphibian species. This study also emphasizes the necessity to evaluate the chronic effects of fungicides in pesticide risk assessment.
Understanding TB Transmission in the UK: Findings from Six Years of MIRU-VNTR Strain Typing, 2010 to 2015
Publication date: Available online 25 July 2018 Source: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology Author(s): Marco Ballestr...
Editorial AJR Reviewers: Heartfelt Thanks From the Editors and Staff Thomas H. Berquist 1 Share + Affiliation: Citation: American Journal...
Publication date: Available online 28 September 2017 Source: Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas Author(s): F.J. Navarro-Triviño