Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Πέμπτη 2 Αυγούστου 2018

“Silicone Breast Prostheses; a cohort study of complaints, complications and explantations between 2003 and 2015.”

Publication date: Available online 2 August 2018

Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery

Author(s): Shariselle M.W. Pool, Roos Wolthuizen, Chantal M. Mouës-Vink


Complications after silicone implantation, with silicone extravasation being the most severe, remain a safety issue in breast implantation surgery. The purpose of our study was to determine the incidence of medium and long-term postoperative complaints and complications, and indications for explantation in patients with a silicone breast implant.


This is a retrospective cohort study consisting of all patients receiving silicone breast implants of the fourth or fifth generation between 2003 and 2015. Long-term outcomes (>3 months after initial placement) were derived from medical records. The association with indication of breast surgery, method of placement and type of reconstruction was tested.


In total 448 patients (n=738 silicone breast implants) met the inclusion criteria with a median follow-up of 330 days. Overall, 18% of the implants resulted in postoperative complaints, with discomfort or pain being the most common complaint (12%), significantly more frequent in reconstructive cases and significantly associated with subglandular placement in cosmetically augmented breasts. Physical examination revealed in 14% one or more postoperative complications, with capsular contracture being the most common complication. A total of 12% of the implants were eventually explanted within a median time of 568 days. Predominant reasons were cosmetic dissatisfaction, capsular contracture and pain (respectively in 37%, 21% and 15%). Macroscopic leakage was demonstrated in 3% of the explanted prostheses.


Explantation of breast implants occurs in 12%, within a median time of 1.6 years, wherein macroscopic leakage was rarely seen. Cosmetic dissatisfaction, capsular contracture and pain are the most common indications.

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