Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Πέμπτη 2 Αυγούστου 2018

Best Practice Guidelines Breast Imaging for Aesthetic Surgery: British Society of Breast Radiology (BSBR), Association of Breast Surgery Great Britain & Ireland (ABS), British Association of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS)

Publication date: Available online 2 August 2018

Source: Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery

Author(s): Simon Lowes, Fiona MacNeill, Lee Martin, Joe M O'Donoghue, Mandana Pennick, Alan Redman, Robin Wilson

Summary: Key recommendations

This is an overview of the guidelines for breast imaging before and after aesthetic (cosmetic) breast surgery, which includes but is not limited to: implants, lipomodelling, and mammoplasty procedures. The guidelines are based on a review of the literature and consensus of breast imaging and aesthetic breast surgery specialists.

Pre-aesthetic surgery

All women should undergo a full breast history and clinical examination.

Abnormal or uncertain clinical assessment (e.g. family history or other related risk, breast symptoms, uncertain examination findings) requires specialist breast assessment in a recognised breast facility.

Normal clinical assessment in women with no personal or family history of breast cancer or other related risk:

<40 years: Routine pre-operative imaging is not recommended.

≥40 years: Two-view mammography of both breasts recommended provided no mammography in preceding 12 months. Adjunctive US may be considered in women with dense breasts.

In general, men do not require pre-operative breast imaging unless there is a clear clinical indication at the initial assessment.

Post-aesthetic surgery

Routine breast imaging (e.g. annual breast ultrasound or MRI of implants) is not indicated.

If clinical concerns arise during aesthetic follow up, specialist breast assessment in a recognised breast facility is recommended.

Mammographic screening should follow National Health Service (NHS) guidelines and be appropriate for a woman's age and breast cancer risk.

If breast imaging or breast assessment is required it should be performed in a designated breast facility with access to specialist breast imaging and a full breast multidisciplinary team in accordance with national guidelines and recommendations.

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