J Med Cases. 2021 May;12(5):177-180. doi: 10.14740/jmc3658. Epub 2021 Mar 5.
Follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC) is an uncommon cancer and the incidence of FTC is higher in endemic areas of iodine deficiency or endemic goiter. Up until the 1990s Fiji was listed as an iodine deficient country. We report a rare case of a 53-year-old native Fijian man who presented to our hospital with spinal cord compression due to a metastatic deposit of an undiagnosed FTC. He underwent emer gent neurosurgical treatment for his cord compression, with histology of the lesion at the level of T5 identifying metastatic FTC. Despite the emergent surgery, he did not have any neurological recovery. Total thyroidectomy confirmed the presence of a large left-sided FTC and the patient was assessed for radioactive iodine treatment. Nuclear medicine imaging revealed extensive distant bony metastatic disease. Unfortunately due to his significant distant disease burden, he was unable to undergo radioactive iodine ablation therapy. After significant allied health input he was discharged home with community palliative care input.
PMID:34434453 | PMC:PMC8383535 | DOI:10.14740/jmc3658
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