HNO. 2021 Nov 14. doi: 10.1007/s00106-021-01119-9. Online ahead of print.
BACKGROUND: Accurate planning of operating times in surgical clinics is essential. Moreover, high-capacity utilization of operating rooms (ORs) is necessary for economic efficiency.
OBJECTIVE: Most planning of operating times is performed by surgeons. Herein, surgeons' estimated times and the objective times for performing surgical procedures were compared to detect sources of error.
< p>MATERIALS AND METHODS: In a retrospective analysis, the durations of 1809 operations using general anesthesia (22 types of surgery) by 31 surgeons (12 specialists and 19 residents) were compared. Comparisons were analyzed by Mann-Whitney U‑tests.
RESULTS: The comparison of objective times of surgical action showed significant differences between specialists and residents in 6 of 15 types of surgeries. The post-processing times estimated by specialists deviated from the objective times in 2 out of 22 surgery types, while the post-processing times estimated by residents deviated in 7 of 15 types. Specialists misjudged the incision-to-suture times in 7 of 22 surgery types, and residents misjudged these times in 3 of 15 types. The preparation times estimated by specialists deviated from the objective times in 16 of 22 types of surgeries and in 7 of 15 types estimated by residents.
CONCLUSION: A surgeon's routine must be carefully considered in order to estimate operating times. Specialists generally underestimated preparation and post-processing times and overestimated incision-to-suture times, whereas residents underestimated all three. Preparation and post-processing times must be considered in planning and, ideally, determined together with anesthesiologists and surgical assistants.
PMID:34778901 | DOI:10.1007/s00106-021-01119-9
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