Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Παρασκευή 18 Μαΐου 2018

Functionalized and grafted TiO 2 , CeO 2 , and SiO 2 nanoparticles—ecotoxicity on Daphnia magna and relevance of ecofriendly polymeric networks


Effects of functionalization and grafting of TiO2, CeO2, and SiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) were investigated, and toxicity of pristine, functionalized, and grafted NP towards Daphnia magna was measured. Surface functionalization of NP with amine groups decreased hydrophobicity of NP. When NPs were hydrophilic, they were less toxic than hydrophobic NP towards D. magna. Grafting agents influenced toxicity: no toxicity of NP was observed when bio-based and hydrogenated synthetic polymers were used, whereas perfluorinated polymers induced a higher toxicity.

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