Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Κυριακή 11 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

Dermoscopic Features of Tungiasis


Tungiasis is a parasitic infection caused by the sand flea Tunga penetrans. Tungiasis is prevalent in rural Central and South America, the Caribbean and sub-Saharan Africa.1 In some endemic areas, the overall infestation prevalence exceeds 50 percent, and it remains an important public health problem for poor communities.1,2 In some cases, the eruptions can mimic viral warts, furuncles, abscesses and paronychia.1 Dermoscopy is reported to be a useful tool for differentiating between these and tungiasis lesions.3,4 Moreover, the majority of cases have multiple lesions, with the ectoparasites causing more than 50 lesions in a single individual in some cases,5 and dermoscopy can help find the lesions. Despite the clinical utility of dermoscopy, no reports have assessed the significance of each dermoscopic finding in tungiasis. Here we report a case of tungiasis and we review the dermoscopic findings of 11 lesions of the patient to reveal the characteristic findings.

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