Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Κυριακή 3 Απριλίου 2022

Adenitis cervical con anaerobios sin causa aparente en lactante

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Resumen Las adenopatías cervicales benignas en lactantes son relativamente frecuentes, se definen como el aumento de volumen ganglionar de más de 1 cm, sin síntomas sistémicos y cuando están presentes, el término correcto es adenitis. Para su estudio, las adenitis se dividen en: locales, sistémicas, unilaterales, bilaterales, agudas, crónicas, y por edad, con diferentes etiologías. Se presenta el caso clínico de un lactante de 11 meses de edad con diagnóstico de adenitis cervical abscedada unilateral aguda, con cuadro de 72 h de evolución, con crecimiento constante a nivel cervical derecho, compromiso del estado general, fiebre y anorexia, por lo que se inician antibióticos de primera línea para los agentes bacterianos más frecuentes (Staphylococcus aureus y Streptococcus pyogenes), con evolución tórpida a las 48 h, por lo que se solicita ultrasonido cervical, ya que la familia no contaba con recursos para solicitar cultivo o tomografía, reportando el ultrason ido ganglio cervical de 3,5 cm de diámetro abscedado, por lo que se agrega cobertura para anaerobios, con respuesta muy favorable a las 24 h. Queda la duda del origen de los anaerobios en la paciente, sin antecedentes de importancia y en grupo etario diferente al afectado por esos gérmenes. Consideramos este caso interesante por su comportamiento atípico, para el enriquecimiento del ejercicio de la otorrinolaringología, recalcando el invaluable apoyo de la clínica y solo con un ultrasonido, ya que no siempre se tendrán todos los recursos disponibles, pero siguiendo las pautas de lo reportado en la literatura, se tuvo una resolución exitosa.
Abstract Benign cervical lymphadenopathies in infants are relatively frequent, they are defined as an increase in lymph node volume of more than 1 cm, without systemic symptoms, and when they are present, the correct term is adenitis. For its study, adenitis is divided into: local, systemic, unilateral, bilateral, acute, chronic, and by age, with different etiologies. An 11-month-old infant with a diagnosis of acute unilateral abscessed cervical adenitis, with a 72 h evolution, with constant growth at the right cervical level, fever and anorexia, for which first-line antibiotics were started to the most frequent bacterial agents (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes), with torpid evolution at 48 h, for which only cervical ultrasound is requested, since the family did not have the resources to request culture or tomography, reporting the cervical ganglion ultrasound of 3.5 cm of abscessed diameter, so coverage for anaerobes is added, with a very favorable response at 24 hrs. There remains the doubt of the origin of the anaerobes in the patient, without important antecedents and in an age group different from that affected by these germs. We consider this case interesting due to its atypical behavior, for the enrichment of the otolaryngology exercise, emphasizing the invaluable support of the clinic, and only with an ultrasound, since other clinical tools were not available, but following the guidelines of what is reported in literature, there was a successful resolution.
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Impacto de la autopercepción de dificultad vestibular en la calidad de vida de adultos sin patología otoneurológica diagnosticada

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Resumen Introducción: El vértigo, los mareos y el desequilibrio se encuentran entre las quejas más comunes de los adultos mayores pudiendo ocasionar repercusiones biopsicosociales como aislamiento, depresión y disminución de la autonomía. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar el impacto de la autopercepción de la discapacidad vestibular y de la sintomatología asociada sobre la calidad de vida de adultos mayores autovalentes, residentes en la comunidad y sin patología vestibular diagnosticada. Material y Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional, de alcance analítico y de corte transversal. Participaron 30 sujetos adultos mayores sanos, residentes en zonas urbanas y rurales de la Región Metropolitana. Se utilizó el dizziness handicap inventory para medir la autopercepción de dificultad vestibular y el cuestionario WHOQOL-BREF para medir calidad de vida. Resultados: Ajustando por edad, escolaridad, zona de residencia y desempeño cognitivo , el puntaje del dizziness handicap inventory predijo de manera significativa (p < 0,05) la dimensión física, psicológica y el puntaje total del WHO-QOL-BREF, explicando hasta un 35%, 9% y 16% de los puntajes, respectivamente. Conclusión: La autopercepción de la dificultad vestibular afecta significativamente la dimensión de salud física y la salud psicológica de la calidad de vida, independiente de la edad, la escolaridad, la zona de residencia y el desempeño cognitivo.
Abstract Introduction: Vertigo, dizziness and imbalance are among the most common complaints of the elderly, and can cause biopsychosocial impacts such as isolation, depression and decreased autonomy. Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine the impact of self-perception of vestibular disability and associated symptoms on the quality of life of self-reliant, community residents and without diagnosed vestibular disorders older adults. Material and Method: An observational, analytical, and cross-sectional study was carried out. Thirty healthy elderly subjects participated, residing in urban and rural areas of the Metropolitan Region. The dizziness handicap inventory was used to measure self-perception of vestibular disability and the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire to measure quality of life. Results: Adjusting for age, schooling, area of residence and cognitive performance, the dizziness handicap inventory score significantly predicted (p < 0.05) the physical and psychological dimension and the total score of the WHOQOL-BREF, explaining up to 35%, 9% and 16% of the scores, respectively. Conclusion: The self-perception of vestibular difficulty significantly affects the dimension of physical and psychological health of quality of life, independent of age, schooling, area of residence and cognitive performance.
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Allergische Reaktionen auf Bioimplantate

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Bioimplantate werden im HNO-Bereich vielfältig eingesetzt, am häufigsten in der rekonstruktiven Gesichtschirurgie, bei Cochleaimplantaten (CI), knochenverankerten Hörgeräten, PORP/TORP-Prothesen („partial ossicular replacement prosthesis", „total ossicular replacement prosthesis"), aber auch u. a. bei Paukendrainagen, Larynxkanülen, Stimmprothesen nach Laryngektomie und auch bei „HNO-nahen" Eingriffen als dentale Implantate in der Zahnmedizin.


In einer Literatursuche wurde die Immunologie allergischer Reaktionen auf Bioimplantate analysiert und die vorhandene Evidenz ermittelt durch Recherchen in den Datenbanken Medline, PubMed sowie den nationalen und internationalen Studien- und Leitlinienregistern und der Cochrane Library. Es wurden Humanstudien berücksichtigt, die im Zeitraum bis einschließlich 12/2021 publiziert wurden.


Basierend auf der internationalen Literatur und bisheriger Erfahrungen wird eine Übersicht über Allergien auf Bioimplantate in der HNO-Heilkunde gegeben.


HNO-Ärzte sollten bei Einbringen allogener Materialien immer auch an die Möglichkeit allergischer Reaktionen denken – insbesondere auch, aber nicht nur – bei Bioimplantaten.

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Onkologische Nachsorge von Kopf-Hals-Tumor-Patienten

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Trotz leitliniengerechter Versorgung erleiden stadien- und entitätsabhängig etwa 25–30 % der Patienten mit Kopf-Hals-Karzinomen ein Rezidiv. Primäre Ziele der systematischen Nachsorge bestehen u. a. darin, Rezidive und ggf. metachrone Zweitkarzinome frühzeitig zu erkennen und der adäquaten Therapie zuzuleiten, aber auch, eine Fernmetastasierung auszuschließen. Sekundärziele sind Erkennung und Behandlung von therapieassoziierten Nebenwirkungen zur Optimierung der Lebensqualität. Da das Rezidivrisiko v. a. in den ersten beiden Nachsorgejahren hoch ist, werden i. d. R. vierteljährliche Kontrollintervalle empfohlen, die später auf 6 Monate verlängert werden können. Eine Schnittbildgebung erfolgt bei klinischem Verdacht auf ein Rezidiv und ansonsten sowohl bei der jährlichen Nachsorge in der Primärtumorregion als auch bei der Suche nach Fernmetastasen. Die onkologische Nachsorge ist im Regelfall nach 5‑jähriger Rezidivfreih eit abgeschlossen.

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Spezielle Tumorentitäten im Kopf-Hals-Bereich

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In den letzten Jahren zeigt sich auch bei den speziellen Tumorentitäten im Kopf-Hals-Bereich eine zunehmende Studiendynamik. Bei den onkologischen Tagungen der American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) und European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) 2021 wurden einige Studien vorgestellt, welche Änderungen im klinischen Alltag von Nasopharynxkarzinom, Speicheldrüsenkarzinom und Schilddrüsenkarzinom erwarten lassen.

Ziel der Arbeit

Zukünftige Therapieneuerungen spezieller HNO-Tumorentitäten wurden nach Sichtung der auf den Tagungen ASCO 2021 und ESMO 2021 präsentierten klinischen Studien abgeschätzt.

Material und Methoden

Es erfolgte eine systematische Analyse der präsentierten klinischen Phase-II- und -III-Studien zur Behandlung von Nasopharynx‑, Speicheldrüsen- und Schilddrüsenkarzinomen. Unter Berücksichtigung der aktuellen Therapiestandards wurden die Ergebnisse bezüglich ihrer potenziell klinischen Bedeutung eingeordnet.

Ergebnisse und Diskussion

In der kurativen Therapie von fortgeschrittenen Nasopharynxkarzinomen ist eine adjuvante Therapie mit Capecitabin nach primärer Radiochemotherapie als neuer Standard zu diskutieren. In der palliativen Therapie von Nasopharynxkarzinomen ist eine zunehmende Rolle von Immuntherapien zu prognostizieren. Rezidivierte/metastasierte Speicheldrüsenkarzinome werden bei Vorliegen molekularer angreifbarer Zielläsionen mit zielgerichteten Substanzen teilweise sehr effektiv behandelt. Immuntherapien spielen aktuell eine untergeordnete Rolle, scheinen sie nur bei wenigen Patienten mit Speicheldrüsenkarzinomen effektiv zu sein, die sich aktuell durch prädiktive Marker nicht verlässlich identifizieren lassen. Patienten mit radioiodrefraktären differenzierten Schilddrüsenkarzinom profitieren nach Versagen einer VEGFR-TKI-Therapie („vascular endothelial growth factor receptor", Tyrosinkinaseinhibitor) von einer Therapie mit dem Multi-TKI Cabozantinib.

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The TeleDent™ Teledentistry Platform by MouthWatch Now Integrates with Henry Schein’s Dentrix G6 and G7 Practice Management Software

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The healthcare industry has been on a steady progression toward tele-health  for a few years now.  Covid-19 pushed it more to the forefront of discussions due to its lack of direct contact between provider and patient.  Now as both patients and providers become more adjusted and accepting of the concept, the dental industry is seeing more and more companies supporting the idea.

The latest industry move in the tele-dentistry arena is with practice management software.  As most of you probably know, MouthWatch, LLC makes the incredibly popular MouthWatch intraoral camera.  However, they also are the parent company behind TeleDent, a tele-health company with a focus on dentistry.  

Now, the TeleDent platform can be integrated into Dentrix, the most popular practice management system.  If you are an office that is using either Dentrix G6 or Dentrix G7, you can enjoy T eleDent directly inside the system.

One of the biggest hinderances to acceptance of technology evolution is the lack of integration of new products into existing platforms.  Ease of use is important.  Multiple clicks to bring information into your existing informatics is a hassle.  Here is what MouthWatch is doing now:

MouthWatch, LLC recently announced the integration of its award-winning, market leading TeleDent teledentistry platform with Henry Schein's Dentrix G6 and G7 practice management software. 

According to MouthWatch LLC founder and CEO Brant Herman. "Deploying teledentistry is now easier for Dentrix G6 and G7 users. TeleDent's comprehensive, convenient, and secure virtual care platform is able to scale across the full spectrum of Dentrix G6 and G7 clients, from individual private practices to DSOs with hundreds of locations." 

TeleDent provides Dentrix G6 and G7 users with real-time two-way video confere ncing along with HIPAA-secure patient and provider messaging that can be used on desktop and mobile devices, so practitioners can conduct emergency triages, consultations, pre-visit screenings, post-op visits, and virtual case presentations either synchronously or asynchronously. 

Dental practices using these latest versions of Dentrix can now clinically integrate virtual consults with video recordings, patient records, and intraoral photos within the platform to ensure effective and thorough virtual dental care. What's more, the patient-facing messaging included in the TeleDent platform enables practitioners to communicate directly with patients, and also seamlessly collaborate and share diagnostic information with their dental teams and specialists, in a cloud-based portal. 

TeleDent/Dentrix G6 / G7 integration is now available for new and current TeleDent users. For more information, please contact Jay Martorelli, MouthWatch Director of Sales at sales@mout hwatch.com.

About TeleDent:

TeleDent, the all-in-one teledentistry solution from MouthWatch, LLC was designed to  help dental teams  connect with their patients and collaborate with their colleagues. The recent introduction of new features such as an intuitive, mobile-friendly patient portal, text messaging, and online patient intake, make it easier to connect with patients in the safe and convenient way they now expect. For example, new patient consults, post-op evaluations, home care instructions, specialist referrals and emergency triage can all be conducted with the highest degree of simplicity, security, and safety. TeleDent's professional grade technology can serve as the backbone of key virtual clinical workflows to increase 

efficiency and profitability. In recent years, TeleDent has received several prestigious industry awards, such as The 2020 and 2021 Cellerant Best of Class Award. In 2021, TeleDent also won Dentistry Today's&nb sp; Top Innovative Products, and Top 25 Aesthetic and Restorative Products awards. For more information visit www.TeleDent.com.

About MouthWatch, LLC:

Founded in 2012, MouthWatch, LLC is a leader in innovative teledentistry solutions, digital case presentation tools and intraoral imaging devices. Since its formation, the company has pioneered the integration of digital imaging and communications technology in the field of oral health. This experience makes it possible for MouthWatch to take the lead in introducing the benefits of telemedicine to the world of dentistry. For more information, visit www.MouthWatch.com.

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Envista Obtains FDA Clearance for Assisted Intelligence Mandibular Nerve Tracing

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 We are seeing more and more artificial intelligence systems enter into the healthcare space and dentistry in general.  Envista is a large player in the dental space, owning several companies under t he "umbrella" of Envista.

Many of the companies that are owned by Envista have products in the tech sphere and the company works hard with research & development to expand the use of its technologies across its portfolio.

Now comes word that the company has received FDA clearance for mapping of the inferior alveolar nerve.  The process, which has been referred to as "nerve tracing" for years has, until now, required manual input from the doctor. 

Before this discovery, it was necessary for the office to take a CBCT scan and then manually trace points along the mandibular canal.  When completed, the software would plot a line through all of the points to indicate the location of the canal throughout the mandible.

Now... that process has been automated.  I recently made a post about the dental A.I. company Pearl and how that company's FDA clearance was a watershed moment in dentistry.  Now we've reached another A.I. milestone in the profession.  This announcement is groundbreaking and these types of A.I. assisted procedures are only going to become more commonplace.

The profession has shown the FDA that these types of systems work reliably and this is only the beginning.  Here is full announcement from Envista:

Envista announced today the 510(k) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) clearance of its Assisted Intelligence (AI) mandibular nerve tracing feature in its image acquisition and diagnostic software platform DTX Studio Clinic.

The tracing of the mandibular nerve in modern dentistry is of high significance as it influences the available therapeutic options for the patient. The proper visualization of the nerve can prevent complications. When done manually, it is a task that can be both time-consuming and error prone. DTX's AI capabilities supports clinicians as they perform this important task.

This clearance complements a series of AI-powered functionality in DTX Studio Clinic. In 2017, Envista obtained FDA clearance for its AI-driven 3D virtual tooth setup algorithm. In 2020, a further clearance was received for automatic tooth position identification and automated sorting of full-mouth x-ray series. On March 25, the FDA cleared the third AI-focused 510(k) for the fully automated mandibular nerve tracing on CBCT scans.

Amir Aghdaei, Envista CEO, said, "This cle arance is another important step towards our digital strategy of expanding the capabilities of our powerful, unified, and open dental diagnostic software platform DTX Studio Clinic. With its combination of a user-friendly interface and AI-driven functionality, DTX Studio Clinic reduces the time clinicians spend on time-consuming tasks, while simultaneously helping prevent complications and enabling increased focus on the patient. We are particularly proud of our fully automated mandibular nerve tracing functionality with its high clinical relevance for dental implant-based patient rehabilitations."

About Envista Holdings Corporation

Envista is a global family of more than 30 trusted dental brands, including Nobel Biocare, Ormco, DEXIS, and Kerr united by a shared purpose: to partner with professionals to improve lives. Envista helps its customers deliver the best possible patient care through industry-leading dental consumables, solutions, technology, and services. Our comprehensive portfolio, including dental implants and treatment options, orthodontics, and digital imaging technologies, covers a broad range of dentists' clinical needs for diagnosing, treating, and preventing dental conditions as well as improving the aesthetics of the human smile. With a foundation comprised of the proven Envista Business System (EBS) methodology, an experienced leadership team, and a strong culture grounded in continuous improvement, commitment to innovation, and deep customer focus, Envista is well equipped to meet the end-to-end needs of dental professionals worldwide. Envista is one of the largest global dental products companies, with significant market positions in some of the most attractive segments of the dental products industry. For more information, pl ease visit www.envistaco.com.

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Head and neck pedicled flap autonomization using a new high‐resolution indocyanine green fluorescence video‐angiography device

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In head and neck oncologic surgery a reconstructive phase is often required and pedicled flaps are still a viable option, though they may need a pedicle division performed at a later stage. Several techniques are commonly used for perfusion assessment of the flaps, with indocyanine green (ICG) fluorescence video-angiography representing a promising tool. We used ICG video-angiography to evaluate the perfusion of two of the most commonly adopted pedicled flaps in the head and neck field (the supraclavicular and the paramedian forehead flap) before and after second-stage pedicle division, allowing a safer in-setting. Moreover, the new high-resolution device that we have employed added further accuracy to the traditional video-angiography, providing a real-time flap-to-normal skin ICG ratio. Indeed, ICG video-angiography proved to be a useful tool in head and neck reconstructive surgery and it may allow an earlier second-stage pedicle division.

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Association of age-related decrease in intracellular-to-total water ratio with that in explosive strength of the plantar flexors: a cross-sectional study

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We aimed to investigate the association of age-related differences in the intracellular-to-total water ratio with explosive strength of the plantar flexors.
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Navigating the Regulatory Pathway for Medical Devices—a Conversation with the FDA, Clinicians, Researchers, and Industry Experts

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Successful translation of new and innovative medical products from concept to clinical use is a complex endeavor that requires understanding and overcoming a variety of challenges. In particular, regulatory pathways and processes are often unfamiliar to academic researchers and start-ups, and even larger companies. Growing evidence suggests that the successful translation of ideas to products requires collaboration and cooperation between clinicians, researchers, industry, and regulators. A multi-stakeholder group developed this review to enhance regulatory knowledge and thereby improve translational success for medical devices. Communication between and among stakeholders is identified as a critical factor. Current regulatory programs and processes to facilitate communication and translation of innovative devices are described and discussed. Case studies are used to highlight the importance of flexibility when considering evidence requirements. We provide a revi ew of emerging strategies, opportunities, and best practices to increase the regulatory knowledge base and facilitate medical device translation by all stakeholders.

Graphical abstract

Clinicians, regulators, industry, and researchers require regulatory knowledge and collaboration for successful translation of innovative medical devices

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